21 | The Ideal Morning Routine


Season 2: Let’s Talk About Life with Harrison King

Master Your Morning

With Host Harrison King

Make The BEST Out of Your Morning

Mastering your morning is one of the best ways to feel better, stay healthy, and take back control of your life. Everyone may have their own morning rituals, but there are some things that can help ensure that the rest of your day is as great as possible. On today’s episode, Harrison talks all about the ideal morning routine, and shares some of the best practices to ensure you’re starting your day off right!

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • Perfecting your nighttime routine

    • Create an ideal sleep environment

    • Reduce blue light exposure

    • Resist cravings

  • Following nature

    • Stay consistent

  • Setting intentions

    • Meditation

    • Journalling

    • Reading

    • Spiritual Practice

  • Moving your body

  • Eating a healthy breakfast

  • Self-care

Links Mentioned:

NaturoBlocks Glasses: naturoacademy.com



Harrison: [00:00:00] Hey! I'm Harrison. When was the last time you had a deep, meaningful conversation with somebody it's been awhile? Don't worry. You're in the right place. This podcast is designed to open your mind to new perspectives and topics in the realms of health, personal growth and well life. Welcome to the let's. Talk about life podcast.

[00:00:20] Welcome back to another episode of the let's talk about life podcast. This is another mini episode. These are going to be a little bit of, of me sharing facts and stuff, obviously, but I also want it to be just a little bit of me, not necessarily ranting. I dunno if that's a good word, but just sharing my thoughts and opinions on things and talking about life because that's the whole point of it.

[00:00:40] So we're talking about rejection and everybody knows what rejection is. We've all felt it. We've all been there. And. It's a hard thing to deal with. It can happen in our personal lives. It can happen with our relationships. It can happen in, you know, our careers at work at school, literally everywhere, you know, and, and it's a very, very challenging thing to try to deal with.

[00:01:05] Move forward, you know, past it and overcome it. Um, so I want to talk a little bit about it. And again, as I say, in all of them, I'm no expert in and in any of this, but I just want to share my thoughts, some facts, and maybe give you a little bit of a new perspective. All right. Not going to give you a, here's a step by step, how to fix something.

[00:01:25] That's not my job and that's not what I'm here to do, but to pull, just to give you a little bit of a, you know, rundown of. Of of some options, you know, some of the little different perspectives. So I really wanted to know why we're scared of rejection. There's a lot of us, I think it's that fear. And there's an innate fear of being rejected of being said, like somebody saying no, you know, not getting what we're reaching out to do.

[00:01:48] And as we go through this, I want you to just be open and not just, when you say rejection, oftentimes people are like, oh, it's. You know, going to ask somebody out and they say, no, that is obviously rejection, but so is, you know, asking somebody for some, for something, you know, trying to get a promotion and a job who knows it could be anything.

[00:02:09] Right. Um, and anyway, what we found out is that on a basic level, we are creatures of community. Everything seems to always come back to our biological human brain. And how, you know, our, our instinct for survival and how we're, you know, created like that. So on a basic level, We are creatures of community.

[00:02:30] If you think back, you look back, you know, long time ago, even not even that long ago, there are still many cultures and societies today doing it. We, we move in packs, right? Like even, even in big cities and stuff, we have groups of people that we want to be around and. And, and we do things we're communal bunch, which is why this whole pandemic thing has been really challenging.

[00:02:51] Right. Um, that's a whole nother topic. I'm sorry. We won't, we won't dive into that. Let's leave that, leave that somewhere else. But the, um, yeah, like earliest humans were talking though, like they migrated in packs right. And hunted food together. Um, they moved as it moved, you know, there's lots of, um, people that moved around and that was their, that was how they.

[00:03:14] Operated. Right. And, and the thing is that when, if the group's moving, you're going to move with them. You know? So we, uh, when society was like birth, uh, humans lived in communities and we lived in wherever valleys and farm together and support each other. And it was a very communal thing. It still is a communal thing.

[00:03:32] Life, we, you know, it's, it's so important. Um, so right at the base, like bottom of everything, we just want to be included. So what it comes down to, right. And the essence of survival on earth for the early people way long time ago was based on a communal structure. Um, and, and it still holds true to today.

[00:03:50] Like what, I'm, what I'm saying about being, if you straight from the pack or you were like, If you, if you were rejected from the group, which happened, right. People would be like, you know, you're booted out of a tribe. See you later, you're on your own. That's hard to survive on your own to be accepted. And I think this all comes down to acceptance and being accepted, which is why we're scared of it.

[00:04:14] Right. Um, because if, if we're feeling weak and vulnerable, It's because we're not meeting that set of standards that we should be. And, and if we're not meeting that set of standards, it's a bad thing because then we're not going to be accepted. We're not going to be part of the group. We're going to have to survive on our own, which is again, not entirely true.

[00:04:35] And now like this day and age. Right. But it, everything comes back to our brains have not changed. Like we still. At our, at our core, you know, innately where you're want to be, we are operating on that survival kind of level. So nowadays, um, which is a little different, obviously we're not in all of us, aren't in tribes, um, on the Plains, but, um, nowadays there is a bunch of environmental stressors that also can cause people to be rejected by someone else.

[00:05:03] Um, so there's all kinds of things happening around us. More so than a long time ago, basically making that kind of rejection and the fear of rejection it's amplified. So it's a tough time to be alive. We know that. For many reasons. It's always been a tough time to be alive, you know, throughout history, pet things are, things are tough right now.

[00:05:25] And, um, but anyway, if you, this might be you, if you're thinking, oh, wow, I really resonate with this. There is actually a phobia phobia for everything, right? That's a whole nother that we should dive into that one day. A topic on phobia. It's very, it's interesting. There's a lot of them. Anyway. There's a, there's one called, uh, okay.

[00:05:42] I'm going to say this Papa. No, Anthropophobia there we go. I don't want to say it wrong. Sorry. If you have it, I apologize for butchering the name. Anthropophobia there we are. And it's the extreme fear. One will be judged and rejected at everything they do. That's a very extreme case, but I think everybody has a little bit of that.

[00:06:00] You know, and, um, or basically just like I said, we're wired to be accepted in groups. We want to be, we want to belong. We want it. This why, you know, being excluded from things is so challenging. Cause we, we want that. If we lose that kind of stability, it, it, it causes fear in us because it's like, well, I don't, I don't know no what's happening.

[00:06:20] Like, why am I not a part of the group? I need to be a part of the group to survive, you know? And that's not happening. Right. That's what happens. That's why we have this fear. Now that doesn't really help you in your day-to-day life. I just wanted to give you a little background because it's very interesting.

[00:06:34] Um, but to try to overcome it, the fear is hard, mean like every, everything is hard and I don't, again, I don't have the step-by-step process, but what's really interesting is that it's, you know, it's important to be empathetic and selfless and merciful. Um, it's also equally important to think about and know your own self worth.

[00:06:53] Now, here is there's a whole new can of worms here, folks. The self-worth thing is something we have talked about before. This is really what's at the root of our fear of rejection. Right? Cause people get focused on, on other people and what was happening around around other people. Um, and, and when you're focusing on what's happening around you.

[00:07:21] And, and on other people, you're not able to really do what you want, so you might be going for something and then you be rejected because that's not what you're supposed to be doing or whatever. This can show up in many different ways. But the really interesting thing is that oftentimes when you may feel angry or almost like hatred, you know, towards somebody or something, when you are rejected, oftentimes that's not actually those emotions.

[00:07:51] It's usually shame and you might be wondering Harrison what's the difference with shame is an unpleasant self-conscious emotion typically associated with a negative evaluation of the self. So here we are. You're not actually, now I'm not saying you aren't, but the, you might have some, you know, anger towards the person or the situation, but a lot of it most likely comes from sh shame, which is you not having a great, you're just, you're feeling bad about yourself.

[00:08:20] You wished, oh, I wish they said yes. I wish that I got this. I wish whatever. And I'm not good enough, you know, that self-worth thing. So the first thing to start with is to focus on yourself and trying to heal those, those thoughts and the way that you would, you know, think about things like that. Because if you're thinking like that, Even subconsciously.

[00:08:46] And a lot of that would be subconscious. Right. We've talked about dealing with that kind of before, but subconsciously you go up, you know, let's say you're asking for a promotion or you're talking to somebody or you're trying to get a job and you don't get it. And you're like, you feel like you've been rejected.

[00:09:00] I've been rejected from the job opportunity. Let's use that as an example. Okay. If you're in that situation and you are quote, unquote rejected, they say, no. All right. You're going to be mad at them, most likely at, in some way, shape or form upset that they said no, that is completely normal and natural and understandable, but at a deeper level, it's interesting to think about why, what are you really feeling?

[00:09:28] Are you mostly, are you actually really, really mad at them or is that covering up the fact that you feel like you let yourself down? I'm not saying you did let yourself down, but do you feel like you did. That's where it takes a turn, you know, start to think of it that way, which is not something that I would have done with normal interior, you know, in that kind of situation you're going to, yeah, you're going to push the blame on somebody else.

[00:09:51] And we do this a lot and I don't want anybody to take offense to any of this or feel like I'm calling you out because I think absolutely everybody does this and it's, and it's normal to place blame on other people because we don't like feeling accountable or being held accountable for our actions, which is.

[00:10:09] You know, uh, understandable if you're able to avoid something it's easier, but not in the long run. Right. We know that none of the long run. So if you're avoiding those emotions by being angry at somebody, you know, I'm mad that they said, no, the company said no, this person said no, whatever it's covering up.

[00:10:28] The fact that you are disappointed with yourself for maybe not doing enough to get that role, um, or, or. Anything in that kind of, from of life. Now, the other side of it could be that you may not be acknowledging that that's not what you need. Maybe that's maybe that job, maybe you were, it was supposed to say, well, obviously you were supposed to be told no, because everything happens for a reason, but maybe your, your need to put your focus on and going, like saying, Hey, this is a learning opportunity.

[00:11:02] I wasn't supposed to get that. And I thought I was, I thought I was supposed to get that job. I thought it was meant for me, but it wasn't why. And a lot of the stuff that I I'm talking about specifically in these little mini episodes here. It seems to come down to really looking within, like, you need to analyze the, the, how you're feeling and why you're feeling that way.

[00:11:24] That's what it is, because I think we're often very, um, what's the word passive, right? Passive and, and not actively thinking about what's happening. Just letting things happen. It's that subconscious mind that just lets things happen. But consciously you need to think about why am I feeling like this? Why am I upset that I'm getting rejected and don't be mad at yourself for being upset.

[00:11:50] Cause that's just going to perpetuate the problem, but think about it's okay. You know, to feel this way, but why am I feeling this way? And most likely it comes down to shame, which is, which is what I already talked about. Right. Um, and, and shame really is a strange emotion. Cause it's usually masked by other emotion, emotions, like I said, which would be irritability, resentment, and wrath of depending on, you know, the person and, and that kind of situation, anger and that kind of stuff.

[00:12:18] Right. So the key is to recognize it for what it, what it is. Actually, don't let it hang over you as something else, because I think the key to success and happiness not to get all philosophical and there isn't always one answer. Right. But the key to it is. Taking things as they are. And, and like recognizing things as they are not lying to yourself or to other people honesty.

[00:12:46] Right. And communication, which can happen even internally like that. What am I honestly feeling in this situation? Now, if you actually feel like you don't have any of that shame and you're just upset in the person or the situation or whatever, then that is okay. When you try to reframe it because I'm sure deep down at some way, shape or form based on our biology and the past and the way we are kind of programmed, you probably feel a little disappointed in yourself for maybe not being better or doing better or whatever.

[00:13:21] But I think the big thing is to remember that life's a learning opportunity. Every situation, every experience, every yes, every, no, every anything. It's a learning opportunity. And if you don't look at it that way, then you can get caught with these emotions. Like these, these negative emotions, we're talking about the kind of hangover you, and then you dwell on them and then you feel gross.

[00:13:41] And then, you know, depression and anxiety can set in which will affect your health. And this is just the big spiral of things. So if you, if you can address things at the root of the problem, Root of the situation and be honest with yourself and address it. And, and again, you know, approach yourself and your thoughts and your, the situations in your life with, with love and kindness and grace, then you can prevent all those things from happening down the road.

[00:14:07] And we don't have the, you don't have to go backward, you know, and work and work backward. So that's a little bit of a tangent. I apologize, but this is really quite peculiar. That we generally are not upset at the other person for saying no, we're upset at ourselves without really acknowledging it. Now, if you I've listened to all of this and you're going Harrison, I know that's what I feel every time, you know, I know that it's, it's me feeling shame or whatever, then that's actually a good thing because you're already got that step.

[00:14:43] You ignore that have acknowledged what, what it actually is. Now we've talked about previously, unlike the first episode, way long time ago, when and other episodes since then about building self-confidence and self-worth, and, and boosting your self esteem and things like that. Um, but a lot of that starts with your self-talk and, and making a choice to, to want to want to be better.

[00:15:08] Do you know what I mean? Um, and obviously when I say something like that, it can be taken the wrong way, like, oh, just like that something's going to change. No. But when you're aware and you're consciously aware of things, you know, it trickles down into your subconscious and you will start to start to change things.

[00:15:24] There's many different ways to do it, but the big thing is recognizing it. And then having that, that want, that will, that kind of push to do it. Right. And, um, since we're talking about rejection, you know, the bottom line for all of us is that you just kind of need to face it and move forward. Like we talked about before, it's that kind of letting go and moving on, because if you really, really dwell on something, it doesn't matter what it is.

[00:15:51] It's not going to be good. You can't really dwell on something for a super long period of time, without it having a toll, taking a toll on you in some way or another. Right. So if it's happened, acknowledge it, move forward, learn from it. It's obviously going to hurt your confidence no matter what the situation is, but you need to accept it and move on because it's the healthiest thing you can do.

[00:16:12] Because you can't change the past. And we know that, um, you know, people get hung up over rejections and, you know, like breakups or people that have lost jobs or rejected from jobs or whatever. Um, but there's some, so many opportunities in life and so much life to live. And if you focus on those negative things, you're not going to allow.

[00:16:34] You know, you're not gonna open up to the universe and allow for those things to come towards you. It's all about a Monday in that sense that if you're just focusing on this one thing and you're not saying, Hey, I've moved on, I'm ready for new things, those new things, aren't going to come to you. Right?

[00:16:49] Those new things, aren't going to come to you. If you haven't, if you are ready, if you haven't said, Hey, I'm ready for them to come to me, which you only, only way you can do that is by accepting it, you know, maybe analyzing it. Learning from it and then moving on, because that's the only way you're going to get new, uh, new, you know, opportunities and possibilities to come into your life.

[00:17:11] And the other thing I wanted to say about all of this is that I've said before, you know, every situation is a learning opportunity. And I really, really, if you can take one thing away from this episode and this podcast, honestly in general, is that any situation is a learning opportunity. Absolutely. Any situation.

[00:17:30] Good or bad, whatever, you know, the thing about people are scared about no being told. No, you know, and the fear of rejection is a very big thing. I think that we should, we should try to encourage each other to be excited about the nose, which is sounds weird and backwards. But if you're excited about to know, it means that okay.

[00:17:53] They said, no, but I can learn from this. And that gets me closer to a yes. It's not focused on the bad. No. Oh, I didn't get the no. And then just, I tried one. Somebody said, no, that's it. No more done. If you view every, no that you get in your life as a learning opportunity as a stepping stone, you know, one, one step closer to that.

[00:18:14] Yes. It's a toll, that's a whole, whole new ball game. Right. It totally changes your perspective. And then you're excited to get the nos, not necessarily excited. Maybe that's the wrong word because it's not, it's not great. It doesn't feel good to get the nose, but if you look at it at it as a, oh, well I did all this work and then they said, no, and I was rejected and whatever.

[00:18:35] Oh yeah. But look at all of the things you learned up to that point and now dealing with this situation. Look what you're learning. Go through the situation, talk through it with somebody, talk to it with yourself, write about it, you know, meditate on it. Talk to the universe about it, talk to God, whatever your thing is.

[00:18:54] And then, and then move forward and take all that knowledge you learned from this situation and apply to another thing. And then you might, somebody might say no at that thing, but you may not have had that opportunity if you didn't go through the first. No. And then you just keep moving, moving, moving, moving, moving forward.

[00:19:08] Right. And eventually those things will start to come. And if you stay in a, if you stay in a situation where you're just like, oh, things never happen and I'm never going to get to where I want to go. And everybody just hates me. And I'm saying, no, then you're not, you're not doing you're, you're doing yourself a disservice, right.

[00:19:26] Everybody is rejected at some point in their life. We've all dealt with it. I think the thing that separates the people that are going to get more out of life, I don't want to say successful. Because I don't, I don't think that's the right word to use for any of this, but the people that are going to really maybe enjoy life more, get more out of it, you know, live life more to the fullest are going to be the people with that, except the nose, the rejection.

[00:19:54] It might hurt the same amount as somebody else. But if you accept that and you just go, okay, you know, this was supposed to happen. Why did this happen? Let's take it, let's run with it. You know, what could, where can we take this to, just, to, to improve my life further? Why am I in the situation? And I think if you take that approach to the rejection, your life, your life can drastically change.

[00:20:18] I really do think that's it. So I don't think there's one right answer. To dealing, you know, with being rejected. Um, and that's not necessarily what I'm talking about here, but if you know why, you know, we're scared of it based on our instincts. And wanting to be a part of a community, start by working, you know, on yourself or can looking within and really getting that self confidence and everything.

[00:20:45] So you can approach the situations and go, Hey, they said no, but it's all right. I'm excited about it because you know what that means. There's another opportunity come my way. And if you can make that switch, I trust me, you are well on your way. To an incredible life. And I have not been a nowhere near mastered that.

[00:21:02] So I don't want anybody getting the wrong idea, but it is definitely I think the way to approach those kinds of situations. So I hope that helps you out in some way, shape or form. And again, if you can take one thing away from this, it's just that approaching any situation in life. Weather good things too.

[00:21:18] You know, why did I get, I got this amazing thing. What happened to get me there so I can apply in the future, good or bad, those things, you know, make things better. We're always working towards improving ourselves and that's why you're here. So thank you for tuning into this episode. I'm really enjoying these little mini episodes and, and hanging out with you guys.

[00:21:35] And until next time. Keep loving life. We'll see you soon for more information about this episode or the show itself, head on over to Harrison king official.com. There you'll be able to find the show notes, transcriptions, and videos for every episode. Be sure to follow us on Instagram at let's talk about life pod.

[00:21:54] No, get out there and have a deep, meaningful conversation in your own life, which are with you next it's time.

Previous Episode

S2 E20: Visualize Your Future to Achieve Your Goals

With Guest Steve Gamlin

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20 | Visualize Your Future to Achieve Your Goals with Steve Gamlin