7 | Discovering Your Purpose with Tarik Henry


Season 1: Let’s Talk About Life with Harrison King

Finding Your Life Path

With Guest Tarik Henry

powered by Sounder

Everything you do happens for a reason.

Sometimes life feels like it’s working against you. Sometimes you feel lost, with no sense of direction. All of this is normal for everyone, but it’s all happening to bring you where you need to be. Discovering your purpose, and looking within is an extremely difficult task, but it’s a long process that is unique for everyone. It is crucial to remember that where you are right now in your life, it’s where you’re supposed to be. You just may not know why quite yet! On Episode 7 of the Let’s Talk About Life podcast, Harrison and Tarik Henry talk about finding your purpose, and what purpose means to them, to hopefully assist you with remembering that you’re on the right path!

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About Tarik Henry

Tarik is a musician, self-producer, writer, brother, friend to many. He loves God, his faith, and having conversations with people. He strives to bring positivity, love, and kindness to everyone he encounters and loves to share the gift of music with all. Tarik recently collaborated with Justin Bieber and Tori Kelly, in writing Where Do I Fit In? from Justin Bieber’s album Freedom.

Every moment, every person, every thing, it’s all working to bring me to my purpose place.
— Tarik Henry

Topics discussed in this episode:

What is our purpose?

  • Having conversations with others can spark ideas and shed light on our purpose

  • Matthew 5:15-16 “Don’t hide your light, let your good deeds shine for all to see”

    • There is something within you that needs to be spoken, shown and shared

  • You can be purposeful in the small things too

    • Find what brings you joy and fulfilment

  • Constantly shifts/changes as we grow

    • Changing friend groups

  • Be intentional with aligning yourself with like-minded individuals, find those people

    • Surround yourself with individuals who spark and remind you of your passion and purpose

    • Friends who will speak your purpose/future/goals/vision back to you

  • Having a vision, manifesting, visualizing, and acting upon it

  • How to find your ‘people’

  • People you have instant and reciprocal connections with

  • People who spark your curiosity/have qualities you want - pick their brains

  • Have no-pressure, meaningful conversations (they shouldn’t be forced)

    • Create a safe space

  • Stay connected, check up on your people, keep up with your relationships

  • There is a lesson that can be drawn from everyone, even the people who don’t align with us

  • It’s a process

    • It’s okay to feel uninspired, or in a different place from the people around you

    • Take it day by day

    • We all deal with things differently

    • Build towards your ‘purpose place’

      • Build good habits, stay consistent

  • Everything happens for a reason, nothing is wasted

  • Go out in confidence - you have something to say


Every single person that has com into my life, whether good or bad, any situation that has ever happened to me was a good, a bad. None of it was wasted. None of it has no, never no, never of it will ever be wasted. You know like every moment, every person everything it's all working to bring me to my purpose, place I's all working for my good you're. Now, listening to the let's talk about life, podcast brought to you by don't settle with your host Harrison King. WHAT'S UP EVERYBODY! Welcome back to to! Let's talk about life podcast! My name is Harrison King and I'm joind here today by a very good friend, an amazing person, Torik Hanry and I think he's going to be here a little bit every once in a while and we're going to ask some just some some. What are we going to? Were S? Can Talk About Life Trek? Why don't you introduce yourself? Let the people know who you are what I am trek really good friend of Harrison. We went to school together, I'm a musician, selfproducer writer, brother friend to many yeah. I Love God. Christian super super and love, and with my faith and yeah, just love having conversations with people, especially with Harison, this guy he's amaztings man. That's why. I also think this will be interesting because you and have different, very similar perspectives, but also different perspectives, because you're very you know, you're very involved in your religion and I'm kind of religion list. I do think of myself of being very spiritual, though so absolutely we overlap there. But what do we? What do we want to talk about come to want wanted to dive right into like talking about purpose which isholy that's a big, that's a big thing, tit's! So havy. What's what comes to mine? I'M DOD? I don't even want to guide it like just what do you purpose? What do you think of this man, like, I feel, like you know what I really feel like Um for me and I think, like for a lot of people, I feel like a lot of people struggle with like the question like what is purpose like what are we meant to do? What is our purpose and it's a really really heavy question? Sometimes it feels like it's almost like a question that can't be answered because, like you, you have all types of people all over the world, people that are in situation in great situations, fortunate situations that you also have people that are like literally, are destitute. They don't they don't have much opportunity they're at a disadvantage. So I kind of feel like there's a there's, a there's, this weird thing between all groups of people that are trying to fight to figure out what their purpose is. You know yeah and for me I feel, like I feel like conversations like these really really spark and shed light to like what what is our purpose setive for me personally, I can. I can speak and easily say look at this. This is a platform where I could get to speak about purpose yeah. I feel like I'm out a out O place where it's like, I'm still trying to figure out like what am I going to Resa. I know, what's my future, going to look like there's so many unshore things, but I feel like through these conversations we can just shed light at. We can bring clarity on like what people can do to ignite that purpose and I feel, like I was reading something I'l be in this verse this morning and I was from Matthew, five fifteen versus sixteen, and I, as just basically saying don't hide your light. Let it shine for all let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your heavenly father. So essentially, I feel like we all have something to offer, whether it be in like whether whether you do music, whether you paint whether you write, if you write stories, what whatever you do, I feel like. We all have something to share yeah. You know and- and I really feel like when we start to do the things that we love the things that were good at and we start to perfect those type of things that starts that stuff starts to ignite purpose within us. For sure you know. I really feel like when we start to like dive into the things like this, like having conversations like this. It's Sut a spart purpose and it starts to spark new, fresh ideas, yevision yeah, for where we want to go, you know, so it really provides language for future. For sure. The thing I think is interesting as I've heard, and I and I fully believe it is that purpose. I think lots of people when you think of it. It's like what is my purpose like this is the set thing. This is no purpose right, it'sconstantly changing, I think, like, as you mean, you're growing as a person too right, yeah and you know, as you learn new things as you gow like me right now, you know what I feel like my purpose is at the moment is different than what it was even a year ago. Absolutely right, but I mean I guess the challenge is trying to find. You know what that is and try to align yourself with it, but I mean you can do it through, like that Youre saying just finding things you, like Nyeah, finding things that you really like enjoy doing like it's so funny like. I think I was like two years ago. Something really really simple. Like I've always sang, but I decided to like pick AP painting yeah two years ago. You know- and I really found really big sense of fulfilment in that you know, and- and I realized that like even like painting like Thi, was something that's. It was so simple, but it was. I found that I was bringing me so much joy yeah. You know, and I really feel like that's another thing like something that you can be purpose driven in those little things as well and and and I feel like a really big indicator for something that brings you purposiv is, does it bring you joy? Essentially, you know, yeah does yeu bring it. Fulfillment doesn't Mak your happy for sure. You know so really diving deep into that, and like also, I would even say a big one, is like being super intentional with like aligning yourselves with t e licommanded individuals yeah. I know like even like when I'm connecting with you. We had it like, like a really really really great connection. When we first met, you know for t we're taping what e e we doing, we're taping, recording a song, yeah, recording a song, doing a cover for a song yeah, and then I found myself like staying what two hours over yeah after the time that be allicated to record this thing, and then we were just like talking about like faith and talking about what brings us joy. What brings is happiness. What the world ies in need of is the first time we really talked by the way everybody list now, the first time that we ever talked period, yeah weas ever actually communicate. We did this thing we got together. We recorded a song, lit man on the Mirror, Michael Jackson, and and he stayed after and we taught yeah for like two hours we just like were like Al like right in to like it was like man yeah craziness, but I think what you're trying to say is that it's about the people right. It's find in those find those people, because I completely agree, and we both both said it that, like something like that, you know and meeting you and just how can you like that? It's like fully aligned with with what I feel like my purpose is and- and it starts to give you gudce into what that is. If you don't know what it is right absolutely and I even like I was we were we were talking about like just like the that picture. I was a picture of New York that you had in your room, yeah and we were like, and you were just like having that like in front of you like having like how important it was for you to have the vision in front of you, so that you can literally see it and then actually start to like manifest act upon it. Okay, so I'm now I see the vision. Now. How do I act upon it? You know I want to get to thet pase now you know so like you're sharing like future dreams and aspirations that you had, and it was honestly like. I really I really felt like in that moment. I definitely felt like, even even even though we have like a difference of opinion Inciento when it comes to faith, I feelt like there is definitely a connection and there 's a hunger in you that I've that that that was familiar to me. You know t at I saw a D and I recognize him myself and I can definitely see where I have lik. I have my vision board here as well yeah. You know, like things that I want to see manifest in my life. You know how do I get to that place? You know yeah. How do I begin to write down the vision, make it plain for myself so that I can now start manifesting it. You know making appropriate Stef to get to that place. To that purpose place you know so. Yeah thes visualization is a big part of that, probably and, like I think, part of the finding your purpose thing and by the way I mean neither of us, are Xidon't, think anybody's experience in talking about finding purpose because, like I said it's always changing so we're just just having to just havin a chap but ro the vis, the visualization part of it is, I think, it's kind of like Tak it to you make it almost like you don't know what your purpose is and you're like this sometg. I want to work towards you visualizing or whatever, and you get there, and even if you, if you I going to get off top of fir a second I was thinking about this the other day. Oh go a so I'm trying to think about what my purpose is and right now I feel like it is. I think I probably share with you it's like in a simple sentence, helping others feel better right, okay and- and I right now I do that through you know, like things like this and sharing stuff with people and the videos. You know the motivation of videos, and but before that it was, you know, music subconsciously. I had never thought about like that, but you know I'm putting out music, so people can enjoy it and in turn their feeling better right and before that it was. You know I like like at a simple level kind of entertaining for others, because people like to watch entertainment- and you know I played hockey and I loved it, because it was kind of Ba Youre performing in a way and people and like watching it so even like I was thinking about how things changed, but there's probably like, even though your purpose kind of changes as you do, but some things are underlying like that is really in this completely side. TOFIC, I justhought. I was really interesting that, like I was thinking hard about this, how does have I always been on this path or as it just been recent thing, you know what I mean right right, right, right, right, right, yeah, that's crazy! To think about. You know I mean ut. I think I think it definitely changes, though O I totally change. I thing have h the ability to shift like, like, I feel like, even like the whole concept of like, like friend groups, yeah, I having a certain set of friends like sometimes like you're called like. Sometimes you call to like a certain group of friends, like the friends that you have right now are the friends that you're supposed to have right now, you know for sure, Unerstan or into there's something that you have on the inside of you that that they require Aview Yeth, whether it's bannounced to you or them. You know, but there's something that D that there has to share and whether or not whether or not those fends shift. Sometimes things shift. Sometimes things move, sometimes frends fight away, sometimes like maybe those people are, are they're not in your they're not going to be in your future. They're, not gonthey're, not required for where you're going. You know the stepping stone to get you where you need to be at some point and thee, nothing wrong with it. It just seems to say that it's like you've outgrown a space and now you're and your purpose has either grown or youit's, not like you have to that container. Now is too small to sp to fit what you have Yo have to be like your little bit: You're big fish in a small Pon, and you got to go into a bigger pond. You know well it', just o a continual continual growth, because you're always again changing growing in whatever way, so you you say, Ougro not in a bad way, but you like Ougo people and and things and just need to move on, because you know yeah things to be stagnant, your whole life or anyway, absolutely absolutely. Absolutely. I've definitely found myself in like in many a situations where I felt like what am I doing like. Where am I going yeah, I'm really feeling no sense of direction really feeling. No! Just like no compass, I didn't know where to go next. You know I just felt like I was at a really really big plateau, but then also that l t t that that, surrounding yourself, H, Whith individuals that park the passion, yeah spark purpose, you know and remind you of on purpose. You know remind you of that promise. Se reminds you like sometimes Ik. I feel like it's so important to also have friends that will speak back, speak back tdivision that you spoke to them, that you share with them. Yesh like even like I've had moments with you, a D in sometimes it just comes up randomly, but, like I'll remind you, oh you're, going to Yo like you want to go New York or you want to move, and you want to expand outoutside of Canada. You know you want to look out with the world or whatever you know. Sometimes you need to like offfload some of that burden, Arto some onto people yeah that have them regurgitat it back to you for sure. You know speak that speak. That purpose ARD speak that promise back to you an Ho remind you. You know what I'm not met to stay here. You know I', I'm not meant to just settle anbe comfortable, where I am but te actually another neplace for me to be. You know so always looking to the future, I'm always looking for that future. In others. You know those people that you invest the time into and your love into yeah yeah. How do you mean you don't have the answer? I don't Hawe the answer but like how do we find those people, if you can't, like I've, been places where it's like? I don't have those people but like they're, not coming into my life and how do I? How do I find? I don't know? I think it like it just happens. Like sometimes you know people come and do live at certain times. But what have you found like you know what like M, I'm a really really big person on like picking people's brains, and I know like- and I know like. Yes, you always have like those the those times where it's just like it just happens. You know like I feel like that. was US yeah. I know it just happened. You know, and then it kind of just stuck you make it it sound like we're in love, treke, no man, nobut literally like you litrally, have like those moments in life where it's like, I'm that person you and I woel just connect. You know yeah, we just it just happens. You know, but then, like you, have some people where you kind of have to like pick a little bit. If sometimes you know what like sometimes I want to Tonk, I don' want to change friends or anything but ther. Sometimes I I see some, I see something in somebody Andi'm like I really like that. I, like that quality about that person. Let Me Pick Yor brain. Let me see if there's something that I can draw from them in that area. You know so sometimes I'll have a CI'll start. A conversation like this start a conversation and see where they see where they're at sometimes it doesn't work, but sometimes it does work sometimes yeah. Sometimes there are cases where it actually does work. So yeah, I'm a really big advocate on like give it give people. My Grandma's calling me yeah yea. My God, three week, Uyeah but yeah just pick people w main see what thith is the conversation thing which I, which is why I want Ed. I want to do this and why I think it's so important I mean I was said I just en posted abouth that recenly Ow, if you saw it like you like just talking with people right like we gain so much from Talkingi Ma sure, first of all makes you feel better, especially in this time, if you feelin, lonely or whatever, like Obviouslyo, want to talk to people but but Hav'ng having the conversations which is what this whole podcast is about, is like more than just the average coun of hey how you doing rightright right. I think that stuff can help you to align yourself with tyour purpose. If you have no idea what it is the mean, the more conversations you have you're going to weed out what is not what you want to talk about or what you want to aline yourself with and you'll start to find the people and whatever that you do want to line your stuff with, and then you can try to seek them out, but I mean, I think, that's kind of what I had started started doing anyway, and that's how I got here, at least at least right now, yeah. I think definitely like also like the importance of like not forcing it. Yes, you know not ysing it because sometimes like we're super superpassionate, I feel like individuals like us that that Ha that think about these type of things like purpose like topic, sec purpose, yeah, you know and how it's relevant for us, sometimes when we're so passionate and out fire for a topic. Sometimes it's easy to push or just like superimpose ore are like passion for it on other Ay TNA. They get scared ind. They run right, you know, but just like coming at it from a standpore. I was like you know, W A I just want to have conversation. Yesh want to talk and just see what happens and just see what happens and if its it happens, happens if it doesn't, it doesn't. Do rang, that's right. No! It's true, though, like like you saing forcing it I mean. That's you can't you have to force it, it's not what you're supposed to be doing. I right like aney one else with anything. I think, and I also want to say that I think, if you're finding that you're not forcing it or you feel like you have to force it dofine. Something then like it's okay, if you're not in that place right now or whatever, like like there's times where you have no idea what you're supposed to be doing, which is kind of a little bit right now, just in general to like, like not with say, purpose in that sense, but just like whatever like what are we supposed to be doing right now I mean we, you and I we're talking about that. Both of us a are your out of school and I'm taking a year off school and we're just we're just htg. Now what right, like we don't know what's going on, but that's okay, even though it yea feel like it's okay, you know honestly like it's, it is okay and I feel like for where I am right now for where everybody's at right now to be honest with you like we're at the end, we're coming we're not coming to the end of the bendemic, we're in a whole pandemic yeah, but you think about like I feel like I should be feeling like I el I feel like. I should be feeling like depressed, I feel like I should be like caving in he almost but like I feel like more than more than any other time. I feel like really refreshed right now, so be honest. Yo, like I feel like I feel inspired, I feel motivated. I feel I feel I can just like now. Now is a time to like where things are actually quiet, to write down things like dust off like old dreams or old plans that I had right from before. You know, and just start to actively work on those type of things and really start to shine the light on those really dark area so serers A. I really thought that, like you know these, these ideas that I have will never see the latof day yeah, now more than ever, it's actually becoming a possibility. So I'm really feeling like really refreshed and alive to the very idea that I can start making things happen. You know you know- and I are very, very different at this very moment time in that sense, because I'm feeling the opposite right wish: okay, also, okay, but like like you're, saying feeling inspired to motivate, I feel like like the opposite in actually the past couple days has been all right because I've kind of trying to try to think of bout things differently but, like I was saying like I man I haven't, played like practiced. You know my instrument or whatever, like done stuff, music wise, because that's you know what I like to do in months and I don't have any your motivation to do it or or anything, and then I felt like yeah ' trying to kind of get over that. But but it's I mean everybody's dealing with it differently and it's definitely not a not an easy time. I was telling Abot it's definitely like it's not. I would not say like and honestly like man because honest I can't evens. I can't even say that I wasn't at where you are like. I was where you were at like what three weeks ago, four weeks ago, yeah yeah, you know, and it comes in waves bot totally it's up and down right, it's up and down it's so fluctuating, but it's definitely like making sure that we're taking it day by day. That's not a race, it's definitely something that it's a process. We have to build towards. This purpose thing build towards this perpose place. You know, and once we start to build them, we start to find ourselves. We start the the burden starts to lift yeah. We start to find that these things actually start to get easier. You know and starting to dream again and right again and and and see again be becomes like it's like almost like the clouds are to like lift around from your vision. You know, yeah, you know yeah, so definitely yeah. Just can't you know give up on it. Even if you feel like you, don't have that or you don't know like this, like you don't know what you're doing or whatever like you will come. Obviously you said things coming waves or whatever it's that balance of you know. Things can be really good, but then they might be really bad, but it just that's what happens and and seeing that as the you know, seeing it like that and knowing that yeah you'll find even one thing for one thing, I would even like to commend you on. I feel like one thing that you constantly, because I'm I watch it. I watch your stuff. I watch a page. I think it's super supermotivational, but one thing that I feel like you really drive home, which I appreciate is stay consistent. You know making sure that we're staying consistent like I'm, seeing like Youkay you post, even you're posting consistently. You know, even when you don't feel great, even when you don't feel or even t believe the words that you're actually saying there's a level of consistency. That's required through all of this to get us to that place of purpose and like still in the midst of you feeling the way that you do the'r you're still reminded of purpose daily Yeah. You know that are still OK. Looking outside yourself, because, like you're saying sometimes I don't feel generally, I don't want. I don't want to you know get me get me wrong that I'm lying the things I'm saying or whatever is you know? I feel that, but it just AU. Sometimes you know in that moment: it's like you know, here's the thing, those the motivation, Monday videos I do them from as me talking to myself and I share with everybody else, that's what I'm working on that week, lright so, but it's but it's like looking kind of using he others, for you know, assistance in that sense and, like I don't maybe feel like I can I'm doing this. But let's do it altogether. You know W. I mean because you're not alone, so we can get through it and keep going like you're saying, but it is okay to just not do stuff to, which is what I was saying. You know you gotto o got to be honest about about all sides of things, but whole life is crazy. To I know man I don't know what's happening, but you know what I'm enjoying home. I can't lie yeah enjoying family trying to definitely make the best of it for sure it's a bit hard, not seeing all my friends that I haven't seen in a really long time. You know and slowly sorly I've been like kind of getting out there. You know. What's the mask but protecting myself but making, but just making sure that I'm trying to check up on people you know because a lot of in yeah? That's why Thi CIME is so it's so hard because you're saying we need to talk to people about stuff and and especially this if you feel inlost or ever, to get some guidance and things, but lots of that happens from like actual human connection. Not like this. I mean it's different, but you know seeing people we can't. We lots of US haven't been seeing people. I know nr like it yeah, but it's good to like now that we're calling we're fracetiming like even like even up to like what is it you? Could you texted you yeah, you message me and I didn't message you back yeah. That was I fl like a month ago, a couple month. Yea I go want to go but like I'm like thinking, I'm like hand like, I don't think I was like in the right position to like even answer anybut. I just felt like so like yeah wel. You know you know, but I think trying for me at least trying to be consistent in like keeping up with the relationships that I have because they're there for a reason, my friends that I have are there for a reason, it's important to offload some of your brarden on to like the people that you're around you know, especially the people that you trust to actually carry those vesen carry those burdens. You know but yeah, here's the talk, comhere's the question for you. I completely agree the people you have in your life are there for a reason, including those that you don't feel like should be in your life at the moment, they're there for a reason. So so, what's your what's your? What's your take on that everybody has those people that are in your life and obviously there's the great people, but then there's it's the balance like I'm saying Theyo, but those people are equally as important to get you where you need to go, that's challenging to put time into them or like or like seeing it as that. But what do you find that hard? U Hu, you know what, like I'm, not Goinna, lie and say that sometimes it doesn't like affect me, but I do sometimes I do find it difficult. If I was being honest, I do find a difficult try to manage thou that side of people as well. You know, but U, I think it's important to to remember that you can learn equally learn valuable lessons from from the people that they actually do pour into your life and the people that are probably not as healthy for you forsure. Well, it might be patience. You know it might be whatever you know. What honestly, I feel like even to he point. I've been that person. Oh Yeah, I've been that I've been on asender in some cases you know, but I feel like I'm also learning for myself, but then also learning from people that have done that stuff on to me, yeah patient lessons of Patiente, less e, less lessons of self control, yeah, I'm knowing when to say something I know sometimes my mouth can get me in trouble. Sometimes sometimes my face can get me in trouble M. my very like expressive person my face, so somebody does something to me: I'm like Mlike, you know like you, can it can it can show, but it all it definitely all teaches me lessons to just like you know what self controls a thing you know you can you can sometimes you can resist a thing and it's and it sometimes it's sometimes there's a time and place to actually say something yeah when some somebody does something to you or you can just like hold back and actually just draw from the lesson and be like you know what I don't want. I don't want that to rebuff on me or I don't want that to begin to become mat character, so I'm just going to step away and excuse myself. They can also be a challenge like for challenge of your character or like what you're aligning yourself with to go. You know here's a test, you see if you can actually put what you want to do, or what you're thinking of into action and like be be that person right a D and deal with this in a certain way. That's probably why I mean hat's hard to see thoug right on as it I mean just were humans and we get you know annoyed with people or whatever even people we really love honestl like I'm, like. I really tell myself I'm like. If I don't, if I don't get to know at at you, I don't love you. I mean it's true. It's true that yeah, if, if yeah on it, but realistically, if I do not get annoyed with you, it means that, like where's where's a low mean to care right, yeah yeah, I'm definitely I feel, like I'm short, sometimes somethine that can be my fews can be pretty short yeah with people, but like yeah people always remind me, like even like the I have like. I H, one particular friend. That's like he literally my one of my best friends, accountability partner. Like I talk to him about everything, yeah, something he can be like, you know like he can be irritating sometimes, but at the same time E. I know that I I love him so dearly as a wether. You know, but he can definitely run me the wrong way, but he does it in such of a way that like brings out the love in right right on, like he teaches me, patience even through his like level of annoyance and I'm like oh my gosh, his guys like die well, but yeah yeah. He really teaches me that, but yeah man seeing it like that, is such a hard thing, but such a you know part of that making sure you're aligned with what what you you know what you want to be or whatever and just pushing yourself, because it's not easy, but I'm trying to you know Challengt, you not just don't settle for. What's a had to no, you know what I mean like like. You need to a requires effort, which is which is a hard. But if you want to be that person, then you're listening to this or thinking about these things, it requires you to go okay, you know I would. I could just get mad or be annoyed about this, but let's see it as what it maybe the reason you know this is lavening or whatever, as as a good thing m yeah I mean thing like. I M also like one thing that I've recently been trying to, and even like kind of like preparing for this, a little bit reminding myself that, like every single person that has come into my life, whether good or bad, any situation that has ever happen to me was at good o bad. None of it was wasted, none of it has no, never no, never of it will ever be wasted. You know like every moment every person everything it's all working to bring me to my purpose place. It's all working for my good. You know so you know Andi and I can either choose to let the the moment teach me a lesson that could be Dene t that emential to me, or I can go down a path. I can choose a path, that's like! Well, you know what I'm going to choose this way, which is probably not as good for me, but I can always also make a choice yeah to actually go down a route. That's like you know what I'm going to use this, although it was bad for me, Altheugh wa. It was done onto me and it was horrible to me and it kind of wrecked me I'm going to choose to use this lesson to put me down a path to where I actually should go e Ho plunge me into that place of purpose into that place of developing now language, because now all this stuff has happened to me. I now have a language. I have experience to now plunge me into my future yeah right. So every experience everything none of us wasted, no and I mean for other people to you're a part of those people's lives. The same way right. Absolutely I even if I'm an offender to somebody or I'm that person that pors into somebody I want. I want that person it's easier to it's easier sai than than for that person, but, like I want essentially that person to come to a place Hor, they realize you know what I'm going to use this. I'm win to use this person as somebody that was actually catapult now cataput me into teitny yeah to the future yeah, so I mean yeah whatever youre everything I said, I mean it's all so cheesy and everybody says o Ime, but everything happens for a reason like it really does everything if you choose to see it that way, absolutely yeah, which I thinkabout your perspective, you yeah it's. So it's crazy, crazy, stuff, its notthe on things we talk about very often, but it's we should. I mean this is the stuff we should be which s you we talking about and and the people we should be connecting with yeah and even like you know what Loike it's encouraging for me to know that, like at these type of conversations, are never in vain. You know like they're they're, reaching somebody, you know yeah and- and I sometimes I really like, even in the midst of like what I'm going through, sometimes like, I can be in my own head about something but then sometimes I'll have a conversation with somebody, and I can literally see the light come on in their eyes. You know, and I'm like what is it about like somebody that can be in a destitute situation, be in such of a be such of a mess essentially, but no, but still have the ability to speak and turn on the light and somebody else, even when, like the lights offen, my own eyes yeah know. So I really feel. I really feel that, like even like to anybody, that's listening to encourage people that you know what, like you, do, have something on the inside of you that that that needs to be heard. That needs to be shown that there's something like I feel like fait for me like sometimes I take my humor for granted like I'll, say something I'm like. Why did I just say that like? Why did I come to my mouth, but I realized some. Sometimes that's that humor is healing for somebody right. You know and like- and I realize I like humor is a part of my purpose. You know, being funny sometimes is literally being humorous, is actually important actually doing something for somebody, so I'm just glad to to be helping hand a little piece of this pie. That's helping people ell, that's it. You got to see it like that too right, especially if you're feeling like like you, don't have you know, you're, not doing the right things for yourself or whatever you're always doing whatever you're doing is the right thing for somebody else. Absolutely absolutely even this platform like when you started this is helping somebody. This is doing something and that's the thing it's not like. It has to be millions of people or even a hundreds of people. You know if it's one person, that's one more person than that you've you know affected, then if you were doing what you're doing or being yourself or whatever right absolutely it made a dent period. That's it an I mean, that's hat and that's a hard thing to over overcome or see, especially in this world, where we're revolving around numbers and likes and all that yeayright, because because and I'm speaking from experience right now, because especially with this thing, this is we're just starting out, but we have people, we have people listening and I'm sure the whoever it is is listening. Right now I get a lote of shout out, there's somebidy in France, let's listen to every episode of this, but that's I mean this. Would not. That would have never happened. I'M NOT! You know. This is not reaching even hundreds or thousands of people at the moment, but there's people I mean that's across the world. I think I think it's easy to see like compare it to everybody else, and you know this person has more and ther or whatever and number wise and Blah Blah Blah. But it's not about that. It's about the the impact you're making in whatever way possible, even with just one person absolutely- and I found that hard personally because of you know starting up the stuff and- and we measure success at least in thes society of the way that's made- that we measure it on on quantity, right, Rightnot, always on quality of stuff right, it's the amount and and that kind of stuff which is obviously detrimenta, Lat's, O different topic for another day, but Burdu. That's right! Thi would be a eight hour, podcast, oh, but but yeah trying to trying to see that as that, because I've, like I'm saying I find that hard. But then you know I'm talking with people like you and things like that, even like even even doing it for yourself. Obviously don't do things selfishly, but if nobody watched this or listen to it, you and I still benefited from it. Absolutely right. So, there's always something and it's trying to see that I mean that's hard and especially if you've got you know chronic anxiety or depression stuff like that and you've actually got like a chemical imbalance and things you're trying to do that. I mean it's obviously as challenging. We don't want to undermine that, but but trying to there I mean there's always good in something and not just remember the impact you have. You know, that's all I'm trying to say be over here talking forever, but that's what I've been trying to realize because man thea this it's this whole. The social media stuff is ridiculous and I've always heard people say that and I'm like Ohwat's just you know whatever. But now I'm start of realize hat was actually affected me without me, realizing that it's affected me in the way, I'm thinking and valuing success right. Absolutely absolutely even like I haven't even like. I don't have a platform like this, but you do now ha yeah. Yes, sir, started bockcast well, Yeahi'm thinking, I'm gonna Hav you, my guest episode, one Harrison King Yeah, but I'm thinking like yeah, like it's Goolt, really ties back to like nothing is wasted. Bro, no, like nothing like whether it be good or bad. Whatever you're dealing with nothing is wasted and you have an impact. You have an impact. You know whether it's a negative impact or even of a positive impact yeah, you know the reality of it is. Is that you've made an impact? That's it. He said an impact period, it doesn't impact Atere, it doesn't matter even good or bad yeah right, it's all it's all helping elping, others and stuff. I mean they and Hus hard to see, see that like that, but yeah it's true. I really like that. I, like the way you're whet you're, saying that I was just talking about success there for a second and how I'm you know how we can tend to see. How do you in your own eyes, personally value or R C success? What success to you success to me is when you can. I feel like success to me is when you can start to start o fully function and healthily function in, like whatever you're called to do so like and when Youre just doing it well and it's making you happy, I think, like that's what it is for me. You know yeah. I just feel like when I get when I when I find I don't feel like I'm there yet, but I feel like definitely I'm on my way to being s actually in a twistertain degree, I feel like I am successful for where I am right now again like just taking that that constant of taking a day by day, seeing myself as successful because like yes, I it's good to see yourself as the sex successful but like for where I am right. Now, I'm good. You know M. I know that, like I'm, what I'm saying right now is doing something, and I just view that as success. You know because I know that it's like it's working for me, and I know that, like when I, when I start to like, speak my truth, I'm because, like relay things back to my faith, I know that, like peoplewill begin to like feel that you know yeah, you know Han, I feel like I've. I've struck gold. Yeah, no, I know go bro the yeah. The success thing is interesting because most people obviously say success. You think of money yeah. That is definitely I that those stuff are fleeting money fleets. You can't die with money, even Theu, we're talking about the likes and all that the views or whatever yeah and allh all these stuff are like. You really have to like remind yourself that these things are temporary and fleeting m. They don't hold any weight it with the impact, isn't the and the NBUT. But the thing is that they don't they don't hold any weight. Yet it's seems to be the most impactful thing right. You know like in our heads right re. We have a way of like telling ourselves that, like these x amount of things equal to I've made it you know which is in the case, it's not the reality, because Lik sometimes when we focus on those type of things, it starts to like the greater mental health, and it starts to Wai in and and gives us unnecessary pressure right. You know when we should be when we should be focusing on other things like whether or not whether or not my content is solid. You know whether or not what I'm saying is solid, whether whether or not the life that I'm living is solid, you know, yeah, I'm the way I treat my family the way I speak to my mother. The Way I interact with my brothers, like are those like you know, am I making intentional steps. Yeah know in order from in order for me to like be successful in being a father being being a parent father and a paire of two different things, being a parent being a family. This guy, you know like being like just being like you know, like those are the type of things that are that that I quate to success. For me, you know it's definitely not the monetary stuff, because money comes money will come and ieven. I like even like you know what, like I'm, not worried about the future. Even if ti this is is time like a lot of us are worrying about okay. How are we going to make money? How are we going to do this yeah and know, but I'm like I'm, not worried about that? I'm worried about a little bit more of like the practical things that, in order for me to get to the place where it's like money comes, and I know that I will I'll manage it. Well, you know it's a one, the other way around yeah exactly so when the money comes. People like onest Stufi, like okay, you know what I just need the money. You know that's and, and that got the money and then everything else will come. You know and don't know how to manage it when they actually have the money yep and en they're, still going through mental heali issues, they're still being weighd down, threthere's, there's still an array of stuff that that are that they're being bombarded with you know, but now that when you start to think about the the things around that you know, yeah thinking about like having integrity and all that type of stuff and how how integity play such of an important rule, Wi being able to manage like something so heavy as money, Noso, yeah man, there's so many, we could talk about this forevors Lord. I know it's crazy. Well, we could. We could probably wrap it out for day wereapproaching like forty five minutes as the boyou serious momen yeah. I know, isn't that RT, like twenty minutes, I know it comes, it goes. Quickthis is. This is great, though, I'm so happy that you want to. You want to chat just in general just to talk, but especially share man. You got a lot of wisdom for your age dude. Thank you bro. I appreciate it yeah honestly it was. It was funny. I was talking to my grandmother before this sthat's. What she called me she's, like she wanted to ask how it went but yeah she just like kind of like she just like reminded me how important it is to to go out in confidence. You know to have that confidence just to like, even like for me to like, I feel, like speaking, is definitely not my strong Sut, but I know that I have something to say: You Know Yeah and- and she just reminded me, shes, like Goin Boldniss, go in confidence because that's like your inheritance, like you literally like you own, that that's that's in you, you know so just go and do it you know and literally just see what happens. You can't hurt if you don't trive, if you're interested in more content like this go check out our website at don't, settle official, DOTCA or dedicated to providing resources, information and content design to assist you on your journey of personal growth and, most of all, to help you live life to the fullest thanks, so much for tuning an will chat with the next time

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S1 E6: Dreaming Big

With Host Harrison King

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8 | Self Love, Social Media and God with Savannah Shea


6 | Dreaming Big