5 | The Benefits of Waking Up Early


Season 1: Let’s Talk About Life with Harrison King

Should You Stop Sleeping In?

With Host Harrison King

powered by Sounder
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Getting up earlier truly is worth it.

It’s 6 am. Your alarm goes off but you hit snooze. There’s no way you’re getting out of this cozy, warm bed. It’s not worth it. But… it actually is. A good, lazy morning in bed is necessary every once in a while, don’t get me wrong, but it shouldn’t be a regular occurrence. Waking up early, and engaging in a morning routine actually has numerous benefits, on your health, happiness, and overall health. It can even help to get you a better sleep so you don’t feel the need to hit that dreaded snooze button. In Episode 5 of the Let’s Talk About Life podcast, Harrison dives deep into why waking up earlier is something you should seriously consider.

Topics discussed in this episode:

Circadian rhythm and why it’s important to follow it

  • A complex neurochemical system that times an organism’s sleep schedule based on external day/night systems

  • Keeps our bodies in homeostasis

  • Has a profound impact on the secretion of melatonin, cortisol, and human growth hormones, as well as a sinusoidal oscillation in body temperature

  • Circadian rhythm schedule

    • 2:00 AM: deepest sleep

    • 4:30 AM: lowest body temperature

    • 6:45 AM: blood pressure starts to rise

    • 10:00 AM: highest alertness

    • 2:30 PM: best coordination

    • 3:00 - 3:30 PM: fastest reaction time

    • 5:00 PM: greatest cardiovascular efficiency and muscle strength

    • 7:00 PM: highest body temperature

    • 9:00 PM: melatonin secretion

    • 10:30 PM: bowel movement suppressed

  • Obstacles to following our circadian rhythm include night shifts, long-distance travel, universal indoor lighting

Benefits of sleep regularity

  • Having your body perform in an optimal way internally makes your body perform optimally externally

  • Having a regular sleep schedule is essential for optimal performance in everyday life

  • “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” - Benjamin Franklin

The effects of early rising on our overall mood, productivity, physical health

  • Gives us more time to maintain a healthy diet and exercise

  • Oxygenating the blood earlier in the day helps move nutrients around the body

  • Having a few undistracted hours in the morning causes better concentration and productivity during a busier day

  • Improves sleep quality

When is the best time to wake up and how many hours of sleep do we need?

  • Sunrise

  • On average, most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep to function optimally, but it depends on the person

Early risers vs late risers

  • Based on an Amerisleep study of 510 early risers (4 AM - 7 AM) and 506 late risers (8 AM - 12 PM)

  • The study found that early risers earn more than the average late riser salary and tend to be happiest and most satisfied with their quality of life

  • Both groups claimed to be similarly satisfied with how much sleep they get

How to shift your sleep schedule

  • Consistency is key: start with a consistent wake-up time and bedtime

  • Try not to nap

  • Make movement and exercise a priority, especially in the morning

  • Avoid loud noise and artificial lighting

  • Get outside during the day, especially in the morning

  • Avoid caffeine after 2 PM

  • Set a screen curfew to avoid blue light before bed

  • Give yourself some time to relax and wind down before bed


Early risers tend to be happiest and most satisfied with their quality of life. Well, both early at late risers, though claimed to be similarly satisfied with how much leep toy get so they're, both they're, both feeling like they're, getting enough sleep, which is fine, but if you get enough sleep also when you're getting up earlier, you got extra benefits. Why not give O to try you're now listening to the let's talk about life, podcast brought to you by don't settle with your host Harson King? What's if everybody welcome back to the let's talk about life podcast, my name is Harrison King and today we're talking about sleep. Well, not specifically sleep. I guess we're talking about getting out of bed. Waking up from sleep early risers are people getting out of bed, maybe you're getting about it out, O bed early? That's what Weu'r talking about we e Gon to talk about. Why we should do that. Maybe maybe, if we should, I don't know, I guess you have listen to find out. But if we're talking about sleep, I guess we got to talk about m before we begin I got us just say this is no attack at anybody. If you're sleeping in don't feel bad wout sleeping in you know, I sleep in I sleep and I like to sleep and it's nice to stay in bid, sometimes somtoms. He can't follow all these things that we're going to talk about here and and that's completely. Okay. I don't want anybody feeling bad about that O Feelin tact. This is just me throwing out some facts there, just just geting it out there, so you can listen and think about it and do whatever you want. Nobody cares when you wake up, I don't care we yo make up. Nobody else cares when you wake up wake up when you want, I'm just gonna talk about a little bit, but if we're talking about sleep, it's important to discuss our Sarkadian rhythm. If you' heard that before so we're going to get into I a little bit so wha, what is our Socritian rhythm and why is it important to follow it? If you don't know what it is? Wo've never heard about t before your sorchading rhythm is a complex neurochemical system which times and organisms sleep schedule based on external day night system. So basically, what's going on outside on your body outside in nature, daynight kind of thing, it's regulating things that are happening in your body right. That's kind of, I guess in a really simple way what it is right. So basically somebody that has a healthy or intrained, so katyand rhythm will generally fight the ears to sleep during the day and five years to stay awake at night through the secretion of hormones, because when we're sleeping at night, if you don't know it, where you're producing a lot of hormaees a lot of hormol secretion a lot of a lot of replenishing of cells and things in the body right, a lot of repair happenin that night- and this just maintains that to make sure you w stay on it and your sacatinrhythm is healthy. Then you're on a good. U Know Good Cycle so interesting thing is that, even if you know a human is locked in a bunker with no external day or night kind of you know, like awareness, they don't know, there's no light from the external world. They don't know. What's going on, they'll still maintain a semi normal circuitin rhythm that slightly exceeds twenty four hours, so we do depend on you know, nature and the light from the day and knowing it's night time to maintain this. But it also is a natural thing that we maintain without having access to that it will be little longer. You know than twenty four hours, but it's just you know it's a natural thing right. We have it even when we're not exposed to nature. So the IRKADIAN clock has a profound impact on the body aside from hormones such as Melatonan that are directly tied to sleep. ICIRCATING rhythm also has impacts on Cortisal, secretion, human growth, homone secretion and even an Sinusortal, oscillation and body temperature to transfer the body to rem sleep. What does that mean? WHIHT JUS A lot of stuf in there wholly well. Basically just say it has impacts on hormone socreation, as we already talked about there I mentioned, but it also has this signus sortal oscillation, which that kind of Waye of signwav right is just basically an ass on its side and it's saying olcillation body temperature. So if you have a healthy or know your natural sarcating rhythm you're, going to have body temperatureis going to be believe higher in the morning and lower at night time, and it just kind of goes up and out just obviously very minimabl, but it doesn't move up and down, and that is due to your sokadid with them and it's incredibly important for humans to maintain teir, Carcidan Rhythm, because it's fundamentally biological system that ensures normal sy in the body. You know it's a necessary thing that keeps us in that state of homeostacis right it keeps US staying neutral and and how we are supposed to it's important. So, but you know it's hard to maintain the system nowadays because of you know night shifts things like that: Long Distance Travel, wel. You know where traveling and you're getting NTO different time zones going to switch up. That rhythm and universal indoor lighting, because your body doesn't know that it's you know two in the morning when your lights re on, because its start outside, but it's not dark, inyour environment. So some interesting things right. So we have this this. This cycle, this rhythm, that where bodies are following hi, Sarcathian, Sarkati and rhythm. So obviously it's going to be important to follow it. I'm sure you can infer, but what are the benefits of sleep? Regularity, we're talking about sleep today, so a lot of things that Ha ocating with em does but we're toing whaut sleep. So it's important to maintain your sleep, regularity, namely the Sarcadian Rhythm, as we've talked about in order to ensure hormones and bodily systems are regularly helping. The body perform it's many tasks, so these are basically things that help you live, so it's kind of important. So you need to keep that happening, because the hormones and the bodily systems that are that are know active during certain times of the day because of your Sarkadi and you know, rhythm, is, is important to keep that you know regular, because if it isn't, then it's going to start to mess with those things and those things helpl keep you alive. So you don't want to do that. Obviously, it's also fundamental to maintain HOMEO staces in the body, the Equilibia Acuel equlibrium, who of bodily functions so basically being awake and going to sleep. You know it's the Ying Yang of science. You Got Ta, you got to keep that that back and forth got to be equal and that rhythm is important. To maintain that so so is sleep. Regularity is one of those things, so basically the Tige is all together. Having your body perform in an optimal way. Internally, obviously makes you perform optimally externally, having a regular sleep schedule is essential for optimal performance in everyday life. So this is a little more about why, specifically going to sleep going to bed at a certain times, you know waking up certain times, keeping it regular whenever those times maybe is really important, because we have this this. You know isaid this, this clock basically internal o'clock, that we need to follow it. If we mess that up while it takes a while for to readjust, if it does so, we don't want to mess that up, because it's impacting things that are happening inside our body that we don't even realize. So you know staying up four times a week intermittently throughout the week you stayin up till thre am maybe, and but you think, going to bed earlier at other nights, youcus totally throwing things off right and that's throwing off what's happening in your body which is going to you know, probably not and super well in. You know the sense of your physical body and what's happening so that's why its important to keep it regular and follow the Circadian Sorcatin Rhythm. I mean he's a little he's. A little quote. We've heard this before probably from from the great begmin Franklin early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise says a man. It could be a woman we're talking out, anybody doesn't matter, but, but you know, early to bad early to rise makes a man a person healthy, wealthy and wise. He knew he kn w. It was up. He realized, that's what we're talking about today and is important. So we're talking about sleep that was those things were woll sleep in your in your regularity of sleep, but I want to get into rising early getting up early and why it's important or what you know what's the point? Why are we going to get up rearly San Harrison, O man, I don't want to got- I don't want to get up in six? Am I don't want get up at seven Hal I want to get up at am maybe you're out there Sai Tat. Why should I be doing it? We Ganta talk about that. So this is basically how early rising. Basically effects are overall mood, product of a productivity and what it does to us physically. So physically helps maintain a healthy diet, because getting up early in the morning helps to create more time. Oyou know start great habits like a healthy balance breakfast. So you know it's not tied directly to having better breakfast. But when you have more time in the morning, you ceed a lot of different things. Actually, a lot of these things are based on having extra time in the morning. So having more time in the morning, you can plan that breakfast, you not just you know grabbing grabbing a Grenolta bar on the way off the door. You got time to planet, you can have the whole the whole thing. You know eggs Bacon, maybe at pancakes happening, I don't know whatever you can. You can create a better. You know breakfast in the morning, so you get more time and because you have more time, you get more time to exercise, and you know basically like, like I said before, waking up early gives you more times you can exercise, but the interested thing about exercising the morning. Maybe that's not your thing, but you? U Maybe think about it, because oxygenating the blood early in the day, which is what happens when you're exercising it, helps to remove, helps to move nutriens around the body and can lead to physical changes TAC US clear skin. So you want clear skin you have in trouble. You know you want to glow. You want to get that a beautiful, beautiful, glow, Appenin your Scin, without using all the products, maybe try exercising in the morning how you can exercise in the morning well, and I get up a little earlier right, just an interesting thing anyway, mentally it's going to cause better concentration, because getting up an early earlier in the morning and having a few undistracted hours before your busy day starts before the rest of the world gets up, can be essential for dialing in and completing mentally exerting tasks. And you know it's also important. If you're, U got to practice like meditation, and I strongly encourage you, you try or you start doing those things you can do in the morning and you've got that time by yourself and and the time alone in the morning is not something. You know that Wa, we have a lot during this this well in the society. We don't have a whole lot of that in general, so, when Youre up in the morning, you can take advantage of that and you get tsome alone time. It also enhances your productivity, because you know you can be more concentrated when it's quieter and there's less things going on in the morning allows you to get more done, but also you got more times. You can get more things done during the day, if you're needing to and you're not limited to the just the time you're awake, you know later in the day your you got that extra couple hours in the morning and also improves your quality AFSLEEP, because getting up at a consistent time every day helps your body fall more naturally into its sarcatin rhythm, which I was just saying right so yeah, what's the best time to wake up, though so, if fo'r waking up really was the big best time to wake up and optimize your day and optimize like your mood and and everything about your life. Well many successful people, you probably hear you know h the grind, don't stop so you got to get up early right, but successful people always telling people to wake up in you know three M fourm five m like absurdly early in order to be you know, actually that's in some people's worlds. That's night time. You know people are going to bed at that time and they're waking up. They say that do that you know is the best time to wake up to be more productive. Get more done. However, that's actually not necessarily the healthiest thing to be doing getting up at thre M, because the medical community generally agrees that the healthyist Timn to wake up for your physical and a mental well being is t at sunrise and the sense not right at three. Am It's not always risen at Fori am somehowes this rising, maybe at five ish I don't actually know I'm. I can't tell you, because I'm not a sunrise expert, but is you know, maybe 're ound six. Six Am six thirty Sevenam whatever it is. Maybe it's five thirty, but when, when the I mean it's going to change, obviously sun rises at different times. But ideally you want to rise with the sun, because you know ats, on the worldis whe natures waking up and that's when you should be to and and the thing is most adults need about- seven to nine hours, O Sleep Pa night to function optimately, I just want to say seven to nine hours. It depends on the purse. Somebody might be out there them. I need six and a half. Somebody might need you know more than that. Whatever it's! This is just on average, seven, nine, it Wull be different based on you as a person, so don't just go allright. I get six ous asleep and I feel great well. Maybe that is the case, but on average seventn nine hours ofsleep for a night to function of and optiminal Le Whowe having trouble talking to a guys, soit's important. You know to go to bed before midnight if you're going to wake up wath those times ou for sunrise, and you got to get your nours asleep. You got to be oon a bid earlier thats, the that's the unfortunate thing if you're used to staying up early, but here this might give you somewhat motivation to to try to think about this a little bit and why you should maybe start start. You know what doesn't have to be a full commitment. Maybe try it for a while. Try It for a while and see hat. You feel Yo get a commit to itthom right, but here's. Why? Maybe you should basically we're going to compare well, there's a study? Actually I'm not going to do it. There's a study here that was comparing people who sleep in and people who are early, risers a'd when I'm talking just early risers talking, really ars early risers, so basically amarasleep separately polled five hundred and ten early risers, so they're talking about people between fourm and seven am and five hundred a d six late risers, so people who typically wake up between Ahtm and twelve PM. You know HEU sleeping until noon, we're talking about those twomes wo. We got two groups of people, four ty, seven and eight till twelve, basically trying to uncover how certain wakeup times can affect everything from from a mood to your salary, which I wouldn't have said- and you probably wouldn't have said it affects, but it does apparently according to the study, so just going to share with you on average or early risers, between Fouram and seven M in this study arn forty five thousand dollars ish a year which is nearly fift thozend, mores, fifteen tousand dollars more per year than the average late riser salary, which was about thirty thirty thirty one thousand dollars, but those people between four and five am really early. You know they getting up at the buck rackedon if the sun's waking up that early they're getinnough, four ty five am make the most actually surprisingly, which is about forty eight forty, nine ish thousand dollars a year- and this is in you know US currency, so we're looking at about forty five, forty five, forty six tousand dollars for people just waking up early, but four seven am and about thirty thousand dollars a year to people at m to twelve PM. Take what you will from that. I just thought it was it's extremely interesting that you know. That's not that's not a coincidence. If they've pulled you know, that's five hundred people and that's the average. That's not a coincidence and the got people that were waking up even earlier between four and five m were making even that much more well, not that much but they're making more money. You know per year basically, and that might becu be because you know, like I said, they've got more time in the morning. Be More productive. They've got you know better morning, routine, because they've got more time in the morning. Who knows, but that's just what the number say and the interesting thing is people to get out of bed at noon. In this study I had an average income of twenty twosanodollar, almost well l'slet's, let's about a half of what people were making when they're waking up between fouryan seventy, so just something to think about just tossing the numbers out there you take, I gue, said, take what you wall from at, but it's pretty pretty interesting fact right there and the thing from that I mean that's just salary, but also the study. You know I was surveying how how they feel and the early risers tend to be happiest and most satisfied with their quality of life. Well, both early at late. Risers, though, claim to be similarly satisfied with how much leep toy get so they're, both they're, both feeling, like they're geting enough sleep, which is fine, but if you get in enough sleep also when you're getting up earlier, you got extra benefits. Why not give it a try right morning? People were most likely to say their health, sleep quality and social life ore excellent compared to those who typically sleeplate. So I'm seeing all you know, all signs kind of important towards waking up early looks like is a good. It's a good thing, and we know that we want to get up, but you know with the sun, so getting up early, that's important I's going to maintain that sarcadian rhythm, which is naturally that you know pointing that way as well. EEGONNAO be more productive, we're feeling great, potentially making more money. You know bringing in the dough that's important, not most important, but it's important and and- and you know actually as what I want to go back for a second- is we talking about Ar Catian Wythm and, if you're wondedoring, specifically what it is, what what d you know is on thes schedule. What's on the time tale for the SARCADIAN rhythm, you know he's bolling up to the meeting he's aying her's the schedule what's happening with th suck ating witthm. Here you go so I'm gonna just run through it. Real quick midnight nothing's happening, but at two am you g? Your deepest sleep happenin now this is ideal. You know if you're following your natural sorcading rhythm at two, am you haven't new deepest sleep? So, if you're going to bed it to you to em you're, definitely not getting your deep es sleep because you've met Youi mean you passed, so it's probably not happening your lowest body. Temperature happening for thirty am you're having what we're going to skip through a couple. F things heres, but but the interesting thing is your highest alertness attending him. So you're ready to go for those morning, meetings or whatever's happened at a ten. Am You're ready to go at ten, your most alert you, you have the best coordination o you have to play in tennis. You want to do it about two thirty in the afternoon, because you gat the best coordination. If you go in Golfin, you know going golfing with the crew two thirty n the afternoon is the time to do it fastest reaction time is at three thy thirty, so sports sounds like you want to be doing in the afternoon, but anyway, greatest cardio, vascular efficiency and muscle strength is at about five PM. Weig lefters, just ahead SUP and you know highest body, temperature is at about seven PM and and then it starts to get lower. So then, after that melatonants acretion starts at a boat, we're looking eleven nine o'clock. Sorry, nine o'clock, so not nine o'clock, Melatonans sacretion starts so nine o'clock. You knon want to start getting ready O for bed, because your body starting to get ready for bed and then and then at eleventhirty, is eleventhirty. His ten thirty TN, thirty can't speak. Can't can't read: weham trouble, guys TN thirty bawl movements are suppressed, so you don't want to you. Don't want to have an accident in he iddle of night. Your body saying we're done at a ten thirty. So that's that's kind of really quick run through the archidian rhythm, Ar's Ol. There's other things on there, but you know the interesting thing is that you know your blood pastor pressure. I don't know if I mention this starts to rise at six forty five in the morning and that's when you know the day starts. So that's I mean it's early so and the interesting thing is the deepest sleep happens at about two am in in the morning. So if you're going to bed at the time or past that time, you're not going to be getting your deepest sleep and nd you're not going to really get in that I mean if it's shifted an yes, I guess, but but you want to follow this because that is what nature gave you you know. So you want to you want to follow it. It's there for a reason, your rythm and it's important to follow it. So that's that we also know that's you're, feeling better you're making more money. Maybe that's a big, that's an interesting thing to me, making more money. I don't know if it's true or not. Why don't you try it and find out, but you're saying maybe Harrson. This is great. This is great now awesome thanks for the information, but how do I start changing this and why I mean I've kind of said why? But, but you know how do I do o you starting to kind of change her sleep schedule? Well, like I said it's important to train your body to go to sleep and wake up at specific times, so consistency is key. So that's somewhere to start if you're feeling, like things, are really off try to make it more consistent and if you're going to bed, maybe you can't make that dramatic shift right away, maybe you're the person going to bed ot to am nothing wrong with that at all. If that's just how it is right now, but you want to make a shift then maybe try to make it. You know maybe make it a little earlier, maybe make it early, maybe start with midnight. I don't know and make it every night yeah a consistency. You know and consistent wakeup time is also really important. So that's one thing, consistency right! I try not to NAP dering the day. Sometimes you need it. You know. Sometimes you need that afternoon nap but turn out to nap during the day, because then you're, you know, you're not going to be messing with that rhythm and being awake when you're supposed to be Ong to sleep because you're not tired, because you now, but this will start to go away. You know as you're more consistent and you build back. You know when you get back to thit following that ocating with hm also make it a habit of exercising every day even like you know, a walk Perquak, but try to keep your body healthy and, and so you're you're using your body. You got this you hot this amazing. You know this amazing invention, creation, your body and and it's it could beallayse great things. We should be moving it. We should be doing all those things morning. Time is best especially for sleep quality which we're not talking about today, wejus talking about getting up but but F R, to improve your sleep quality as well exercise in the morning and and it'll wake you up make you feel better. You got a better you'll go to bed better at I time. So that's that's important. Obviously, y want to avoid loud noise and artificial lighting. Basically anything that's going to awaken the senses. When you're trying to relax your body you'r trying to go to bed, you don't want to be woken up by. I don't know somebody playing clarintee in the next room, I'm not sure, what's happening in your life but yeah, you don't want to have that and you don't make it dark and, and things are going to wake you up. You want to get rid of those things get outside during the day, especially again in the morning going to help. You Fall Asleep better. It's going to kind of start to get you on the routine because you could getting outside in the morning your body's going. Oh It's light out you getting that sunlight on your face, you' feeling, good and and your body goes. Okay, we're going to start to get back on track right, NO CAFFEINE! After two PM, guys, yeah, that's ideal! I mean He. What ever Yo got do what you GAD T do. I guess, but ideally caffeine stays in your system for a long time. If you didn't know that, which is why it's effective, but we, if youhe's going to mess up your sleep, keep you up later and try to avoid that after at least two PM earlier, maybe it's a little late or whatever, but just try to try to not obviously drink coffee right before bed. It's not going to help you out! You could try to set it screen cur few so because loft some time you stay up late, you watching Netflix you're oing to facebook, instagram, whatever maybe you're a twitter person. That's not me, but you set your screen curfew for a couple reasons, obviously to get off your phone or your device or your computer, whatever so you're not staying up later, but also to get rid of that blue light before bed, because you get blue light coming from ter screens, which is artificial light, which is basically telling your body you know what's happening were awake. The Sun's down Sun does have natural blue light, but the sun's gone you shouldn't be getting all of that blue light. Naturally, right if wew're just living out in the wilderness, you wouldn't be having it ats artificial, so try to get rid of it in you before bed so set a screen. Curfew like to call it right and and of course, have a bedtime- and I kind of like a wine down time where you stop doing stuff, stop doing work kind of get yourself ready for bad. Give yourself some time give yourself some alone time, maybe you're going to get that in the morning. If you're waking up earlier, which is going to be great, maybe give yourself a little bit time to relax. beforebid read a nice book, I don't know you can hofe a bath whatever whatever's your your thing. That's your Jamp, but yeah. Having set times like I said, is really the most important thing. Regularity is so important and it's really easy to you know, mess hat up, and the thing is that it's going to be messed up, sometimes because we got other things happening in life, stuff's going on and and maybe oure you know at at some friends house. You get a little party whatever's happening, but you're goin t be up a little later, but don't make it. I guess I have it try to keep things regular, because you want to follow that what that's Arkadian Rythm, that's right! It's important! It's important to follow it because that's what nature wants us to do, and you know if mother natures asking us to do something we should probably follow, because she probably knows what's up so that's that's kind of the things. I guess that you can do to try to get back on track and to follow that and to get up early because, as we know, getting up early can make it feel better. You can be a little healthier just all around good time. Getting up earlier. You might not feel like it's Goingto, be a good time. Probably can take a while to get back on that Jruk get get on track, but I know personally, I'm not a hundred percent there, but, but I know when I have been you know getting up early we're not talking. Three am obviously like, I said, but you know earlier with sunrise Ish Times, so what if that's five thirty sixx ND, thirty, seven whatever it is, it makes you feel better, and I know I felt better and that's why ijust want to share this with you, because it has changed how I feel how much more productive I feel during the day, even if you're not sometimes doing more, you just feel like you've been up longer. You know your friends, waking up or your partner or somebody's making up at ten M and you've been up since seven or six. You got four hours ahead of them. Youve done a lot of stuff, you got half the day done before they're, even up and and it's not about being better than somebody or are that kind of thing putting other people down. I'm just saying it's a good thing, so we will at least try give it a try, try to get back on a regular schedule and a set wakeup time as well and and after after a while, when you tyind to get back on track with that rhythm you'll start following that. Naturally, and you might not even need an alarm clock, I don't know, I knon't I've been really working on trying to get my sleepback to being regular. Again, it's hard. Sometimes you get off track, but I specifically wake up at seven o five am now because I've been doing it for a couple weeks and yeah, ' not even ketting within a minute or two of Seven O. Five Am F for you know days on end and that's not because I have an alarm. That's just because my body's saying right s time we get up and and that's what's working for me right now- might make I a little earlier whatever well fall, the sunrise, as I said, but the thing is most importantly about all of this is that every individualis different and maybe you have something else going on in your life and you can't or whatever is going on ust want to provide it with you with the information and you can. You can apply at your own life, how you you know you think you can and and yeah I mean that's. That's kind of what I wanted to mention and chat about today is sleep. Sleep super important. Will I'v probably talk about sleep with somebody. Hopefully that knows a lot of US sleep sometimes soon, but for now that's that's. It INM waking up early, it's important to wake up early and thank you for listening to the guys are really appreciatit. If you enjoyed this, you want to check out more personal growth content or things like that motivation, positivity, that' stuff. If that's right down your alley, go check out a website. Don't settle! Official DOTCA don't settle it's a platform and community dedicated to providing you with personal growth, resources, nd and information, and things like that and and helping you to just stay on track and to help. You feel motivated to work any personal growth, because that's important to me, it's important to you. I know deepdown. It is and en, if you listen to this, especially so, yeah Yo feel free, go check that out and thank so much hophopefully you're getting to bed nice and nice and earlier or maybe trying to tryg to get back on track. Follow a nice rhythm and and getting up early right nearly in the morning and yeah. That's it keep Lov ing life, Ot Yai. He Wil. If you're interested in more content like this go check out our website at don't, settle official DOTCA or dedicated to providing resources, information and content design to assist you on your journey of personal growth and, most of all, to help you live life to the fullest thanks. So much for tuning anwill chat with you next time

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S1 E4: Positivity

With Guest Jamie Holtom

JAMIE Thumbnail.png
powered by Sounder

6 | Dreaming Big


4 | Focusing on Positivity with Jamie Holtom