4 | Focusing on Positivity with Jamie Holtom


Season 1: Let’s Talk About Life with Harrison King

The Key to Staying Happy and Feeling Good

With Guest Jamie Holtom

powered by Sounder

Is happiness and staying positive something we can train ourselves to do?

It’s hard to stay positive all the time, especially amidst the chaos of the world during this pandemic. Many of us believe that some people are just naturally more positive than others, but that’s not always the case. Staying positive can be a mindset, but it’s also something that can be practiced. On Episode 4 of the Let’s Talk About Life podcast, Harrison sits down with Jamie Holtom to discuss all things positivity.

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About Jamie

Jamie Holtom is a father, husband, educator, and master of positivity. He has been an active part of his community as a pastor and minister at North Bramalea United Church for over 20 years.

The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.
— John C. Maxwell

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • “People like being around positive people”

  • Positivity in leadership

    • Helping others see the bigger picture and what is possible as opposed to what isn’t possible

  • Jamie’s techniques for positivity

    • Having a morning ritual/routine can change how you enter the day and help get you started on the right foot

    • Prayer and reading

    • Gratitude: reflecting and focusing on the wins and positives from the previous day or week

      • What is going well in your life?

    • Three journaling prompts

      • “Thank you” - what you are grateful for

      • “Sorry” - what you could improve on

      • “Please” - hopes for the day

    • Take deep breaths when faced with a challenge

    • Try to put your challenges in the context of everything - one challenging situation doesn’t mean that everything is challenging

      • If you’ve survived it before, you are capable of surviving it once more

      • If you haven’t, it’s a learning situation

    • Every strength has a weakness

      • Listen to others to ground your perspective

  • Guard and protect your energy by spending enough time with people who bring you up

    • Accountability partners: have reciprocally encouraging and supportive relationships with others

  • Praxis: the process by which a theory, lesson, or skill is enacted, embodied, or realized (Wikipedia)

  • Reaching out for help when we are faced with situations we cannot handle alone, such as mental illness

    • Seeking help from healthcare professionals: counseling, therapy, medication

    • Leaning on the encouragement and support of others throughout your journey

  • Give yourself and others grace

  • Do not underestimate the value that you bring


When you smile at somebody, if you notice what happens, they almost always smile back, I guess it can be almost as simple as that, and so I just think seeing life change for people is definitely part of what makes me tick and why I do h t what I do Whyn I give everything I have to it. You're now, listening to the let's talk about life, podcast brought to you by don't settle with your host Harson King. What's up everybody welcome back to the let's talk about life: PODCAST, I'm Harrison King and I'm super excited to be here today with someone. I really look up to a pastor. He's a father he's an educator he is. He is an incredible Umen, being somebody I' like to call a master of positivity Jamie Holsom, how you doing I am doing great and really glad to be with you today, love what you're doing with this Harrison thanks so much Jim Yo't hapy to have you before we, I guess start the people. Don't really know much about you. So why don't you give me a quick Los Summer Yo about Bot you but your life? What's Hap Yeah Yeah, absolutely well. Yeah life is good, feelve very blessed, so we have three kids with us: Lea who's, twentyt cameron, who's, seventeen and Kaleb who's. Fourteen I' married to Katrina, she's, a high school math teacher. I've been a pastor minister here in Brampton at North Brenley nine church for a little over twenty years, and it has been an continues to be a great ride like we love our life, we're very involved in the community. It's been a great place to raise our family, both within the church and this city and yeah. I'm I'm a sports guy. So I love to work out and play sports and that's yeah part of what we do around here and it so yeah. I Love, love, yeah, love and love. It it loving it and you see everybody if you're, if you're watching, if you're listening, you know, he's a happy dude, Jamie's, a happy dude and and that's why I want to have you on- I mean you're, you are someone. I look up do and I just you know incredible person, but I want to kind of talk about positivity today because, like I said you, one of the most positive people, I've ever met, and I want to just get a little insight on that and and Whith this like. Why do you choose to be so positive? I mean I'm sure it's you know obvious, but I'm sure it's a choice, so I guess be a little bit to that. What's what's up with that yeah for sure for sure I think it's definitely a choice, and I think I e I'm wired that way. So so I think I've always been a pretty positive guy. My family will say regularly. I consistently say things like: Oh, don't worry, itwill be fine and I think, probably that might be even annoying to some people yeah. You know another podcast might be what's it like to live with somebody who's, so positive that coul be a challenge for them. I think sometime for Sare, not not that they're not positeve as well like that's, not hat, I'm saying but but e H. I think I've always been that way. I think yeah. I think Bous God mad me this this way and an sure like, like everything, there's therr strengths that there's also weaknesses to that, but yeah. I definitely am grateful for that. I think people like being around positive people does me. I don't have the odd bad day or have frustrations or struggles. I can get into a black hole just like anybody else, but positivity and in my case there's there's a faithfulness as far as God can move in and shift me sometimes in my own spirit, my own heart my own mind and help me think differently and that's a an important part of my my daily routine, where I start the day in prayer, and I just do find that kind of Shist me. Sometimes you know I start a new a day feeling walways me or life's too hard and because it is hard, there's a shift that happens and so yeah I'm grateful for that, both in wired that way this this prayor time in the morning. That really helps me experience. Tha Is Moveingto a day and then I would say, as a leader like my world, really is around leadership, and so I think thatit's really helpful to be positive as a leader and try to help others right, see the bigger picture see what's postible as opposed to just what's not possible, so yeah, that's kind of bit where that comes from part of who I am, and I think partly who I need to be fors s y role really well Oras Wel as well as I possibly can yeah and you already kind of touched on it. But I was I was wanting to kind of ask you you know like I said everybody is bad days. Everybody gets down and I know you've been there. I'm sure you get there. But but what do you obviously mentioned prayer? But but this is this is a podcast for everybody. So there's star people oser out there that don't you know, that's maybe nother thing, what kind of techniques other than that? Do you use to kind of stat on track and when you get off, and obviously it's okay to get off but to get back on track and to try to stay positive for the people around you and you heaf, yeah yeah, great great question, I mean gratitude for sure, is one of them and and try to think about what is good and what I'm grateful for, not just what isn't so, even even entering into like a Monday an a new week I find part of the ritual or process for me. Is. I really do take some time to think about the previous week and where were the winds were? Where were the blessings if you Willw, where again Gra? What am I grateful for and then that's very powerful, because if I don't do that, even a positive guy like me, can just sink into what isn't right? What's not done what is still overwhelming for me, so I think gratitude like gratitude gradiinre all the way, and I think, wherever someone is around like say, faith or those kind like anybody can practice graatitude like that's and as a parent as a leader. Hey you Kdon't, okay, you're having a bad day Harrison. So what are you what's going good and what are you greate, F, worand, all of a sudden, it takes you down a very different traffic percent and those problems that seem so big all of a sudden become smaller because they're in the context of of okay, maybe life isn't maybe life doesn't suck as bad as I thought it did. You know I'm sayig like that'SSO, that's how Yoecen getting that that deep, Dark Col, whether it be a daily experience or something even even deeper, so that would be part of it. There's a book there's a book by Norman Vincent Peel called the power of positive thinking and anyway I just reread it like when covid started and I'm telling you man, it was such a good time to read this book and look at everything that was happening completely different, the power of positive thinking. So that would be part of it. You talking about gratitude and like when you start a new week, youe talking about kind of thinking about the T. Next e, O stuff d. do you do things on a daily basis or regularly like me personally, I haven't done you know recently, but like keeping a gratitude journal is something I've found, arther things that you do. I guess at on a daily regularly like that that help you yeah absolutely so so the the prayer process I was talking about but say my morning, ritual that would definitely include journaling, and I just use three simple words. Thank you story, please, and so writ off the gates right off the gates. I'm saying Hey, thank you, God for like just even reviewing what happened yesterday and it', so it can be the simplest of things, but it just kind of makes you more aware of those good things in your in your life. Yeah Yu. was you mind if you're, if you're interested sharing a little bit about your morning routine and because it's nouts, like that's a big you know, has a big impact on on how you are and how you feel if you'd like to, I be just dive a little bit into that it be a yeah, absolutely yeah, no and so, and what I like about. Having a morning routine or ritual is then I don't, I don't wake up every day and think, oh, what am I going to do today? You know it's like okay, I don't nead to rethink that. I got. I got a routine. I do every pretty much every single morning. Saturdays are a little bit different, but every other morning this is pretty much. What what I do so I'll get up I'll put the coffee on Ye. Have a glass of water whill, the coffee's brewing I'll, do some stretching in the kitchen just to kind of limber up a little bit, and you know these old muscles get a little stiff, so that helps helps ga yeah, really healthy thing to do Yeph and then I ill grab. My coffee I'll go, have t e spot where I kind of go to the same spot. Every morning when the weather's Nice I'll sit outside and the spot, I have outside the sun as it comes up. It hits me like right where I'm on our backtack yea beautiful l again how? How can you not start today, good H, n, when that's wher you're, you know just the sor shower up. I feel that warmth than he so then I'll I'll do a few things I'll do a bit of meditation or what I call centering prayer to start for about ten minutes. Then I I usually do some kind of reading. That's when I find I can fit in reading the best as a leader, especially I like to keep reading. So I read about a book or a book or two a month, depending on the length of the book, but I'll reoffer for ten or fifteen minutes thet I've got a a Bible, APP called Bible in one year that l that I'll read through that's about ten minutes. Now to that journaling. So again that Journling, it's pretty much the same thing every day, I'll journal through those three ver simple worries. Thank you. Sorry, please, thank you. What am I grateful for what happened yesterday? Who are some of the people that I got to got to see? Sometimes there's just things that surprising n, the courerse Toa Diveen, given das great to reflect the man orware of that Yep. The story part is really simply hey. You know. Maybe I can have a tendency to speak before I think, and so maybe I said something at I wish I hadn't of- or I might have said it with the wrong tone, or maybe I didn't step into something that I wish I had of looking back. So the story can have that kind of element to it, not forsure, not so much like guilt, not that's not where that would take me it's more empowerment to do differently next time or even able to fal up with somebody say Hayn his want to talk to you about what happened ere yesterday, my apologies, so that would be the sory partner and then please would kind of help me move into the day and hey what's happening today. What are some of my meetings? Orr The people going to be with and just sort of pray or say that that idea, please around this by hopes for that, for that so yeah and then and then yeah. That would be. That would be prety Si pickes wat an hour. So that's that's what I start like pretty much every day and definitely yeah like I found that people who especially leaders they often do have a mourning ritual ssomething like that everyone's a little bit different, but it really does you know back to the kind of where does that positivity come from it gets. You started on the right foot if you a like every day and ever perfectly, but I tell you man like that, Changeis how I entrer into the day, like hundred percent, give er find Yeuver, find that you wake up and you're not feeling great, maybe, and then you go through your routine and it changes your outlook O on that day and how you feel absolutely like, like without questions, because I think that's I mean I don't know I' love to no what other. Well, I guess I do know you know. I think when someone looks at me Whoyea, I think I think I am fairly positive, and so I hear that I hear that right. So I'm not surprised to hear that, but I think sometimes people wonder Oh, do I ever have a bad day, or do I you know he's so po and- and I would just be want- want to be really honest about that like absolutely. In fact, to be honest, I don't keep track of this, but I probably probably a lot of mornings, maybe even most moreing, let's say at least half I do wake up thinking. Oh man like how. How is this point going to play out? This is going to be a tough conversation or I don't know. I don't know if I got the INME for this for this project like I'm feeling overwhelmed or maybe because I've got too many projects on the gone, because that can happen to positive people too, because we're Erewe, you know yes bring it on. We always you know so anyway, so absolutely Harrison like for sure. I can definitely wake up very, very regularly feeling overwhelm feeling burdened even before Ende, which whan a what a tough way to end of the day, but that process that ritual yeah prayer, all all those pieces that are part of my morning ritual. Definitely I I CALGHL I my lifeline. I called a lifeline seriously like in tha, without that I just don't think I'd be, who I am or enter into each day the way. The way that I do yeah a so what you just described very consistently happens at some level every day to be honest, yeah. If I didn't wake up overwhelmed and feeling maybe burdened or negative or whatever it is, maybe maybe I was feeling pretty good. My woke up and feeling good about that day. It definitely is even better after this youre ready, more empowered, bring it on. You know: let's go like that, Yeahik, it's almost like you know again. This lifeline would be coming out of a negative space, but if even if you're not entering a negative space, you just come out even better, like almost like a caged animal and a hopefully healthy way, just ready to tackle whatever's coming back day, Yeah Wol. Unless Tey we live in a world where there's so much negativity and there's so much pain that I just really think the world neems more people who are entering into the day like that you want to be with people, walk ing of the room and th tha the energy raises, because that person walked into the room right and th. You can't bring that if you don't have that within you M and and what it sounds like to me is maybe some I mean thing. I think everybody has it within them, but sometimes that you don't feel like you do, but it's a choice to some extent. Obviously it's harder in certain situations and with people. You know people have different things going on, but it's a it's an active choice to maybe it's not going to be easy, but I'm going to put the effort into try to you know change morning, routine or whatever it is or or we're kind of on those things focusing on them. It might not be inspontaneous right, but but putting effort in I mean it'll it'll change your life as you're saying, like I gess it's your lifeline. That's that's incredible and you kind of already touched on this, but Y we've talked about before you said difficult conversations and we've talked about this before, but I I actually will want to talk about that, because I know in your position and being a leader, and I mean honestly, I guess everybody in everyday life. We have different difficult conversations and difficult situations that happen. How how do you, you know, stay positive with dealing with those things and and see it? I guess Ha's a good thing and also that's like you know, preparing for something. If you know you're GOINNTA have that conversation. But what, if you know you're kind of bumbarded by something you aren't? You know you're taking a back yound ready for it. How do you approach that in a in a great way, and not you know just feel down and out about it, because it's easy to feel like that, so one of the things for for me would be wont. Take a deep breath. Just relax. Go back to that gratitude, even in that moment like that, you know, there's rarely a situation where doesn't mean that the rest of your life's fallen apart, like that was in this book of Positive Power, Positive Thinking Nor pee was dealing with someone who felt like they were on ther the end of their rope and the you know and said well well what about like? What about your family and what about? What about your home and what about your health? And he before you knew it this person had. So I guess I would just say: Don't forget that life, though this situation might be a challenge, life is filled with chalenging situations and conversations. It's not your only the only thing going on your life, so don't fray, to put it in the context of everything rame of everything else. The other piece for me would be that most situations we've probably been in something like that before and you're still standing. So obviously you survived it before you're going to survive it again as it and if not, then it's a learning opportunity is going to help you out for next time, but just again just to try to and th. I think, even in those conversations you may need to bring positivity for both people oand and don't be afraid to do that so hey harrison. Can I just? Can I just share with you how I think this might be a good thing for you to you know what e and just right, you might have Reang, that for both people and I've had to do that before and that's part of our rule is, I think, positive people s as leaders like those kinds of things, yeah yeah for sure something. I want to ask you about because I could I could guess, but I'd like to hear it from you. How has this way of, like I said you, it's actually read this book last year and there's something called the Cort is a lottery they like to call it, which is basically like some people are. Let's say I don't know how it works, but like out of a hundred, some people are born like a ninety out of a hundred unhappiness, and some people, just on average, are like twenty, like it's just it's a biological things wot some people. Sometimes you can't on a natural level control how you automatically, you know, think, and that kind of thing right so you're, obviously lucky that you, you got the higher into that spectrum, but also it's a choice. So what I'm? What I'm wondering is that you know you've made this choice? How has it affected your life, which you've kind of talked about, but, most importantly, how does it affect? Or how do you see it impact others others around you because you're, you know you're communicating with a lot of people. I mean hundreds of people on a weekly oasis at your church. How do you find that that impacts others D, and is that kind of help? You encourage you to continue to work on it for yourself, for the benefit of others as well. HMM great question great question: Yeah Yeah Yeah for for me for sure, like I said, earlieres part of my rule, so I want to try to bring that positive outlook and that faithful, t outlike, if I can and and so eone of the things for me is who I surround myself with, and I think I think I do have to guard and protect myself sometimes and and we all I'm not going to go. I in I'm not going to name names, but I think we all know people even as we're talking right now. Youhave people in your mind to Oh men, they suck energy from me almost every time we talk yeah that person every time, I'm in the same room or in a conversation with them. I just come out flying like I just get anogized, and so I just think it's okay to be clear, especially as a leader how those situations impact you and at least make sure I'm not saying don't love or have time for the people that are negative or bring you down, but make sure you guard and protect yourself enough that you spend enough time with the people that bring you up. I got a good friend he's a a leader as well a business man, Jim Christian, you met him. Harrison Tho are growing together in life and leadership that you were a part of there in June, and so he and I we call ourselves like I- Co, l, acountability partners and it's ea a lot of support and encouragement. So we text daily Lik Al like every morning just to encourage each other, and so I would really like, I think, that's important to help yourself stay positive, who you surround yourself with who you'r connected to and don't be afraid to have tha kind of relationship, because some days you can't do it on your own, and and so it though it is a choice, as you say, you don't have to make that choice. Just on your own right, the prayer part the ritual part, however, that works out for you, friends that can really help build you up as well and that you can build them up all that is part of trying to make sure that you have that when you go to help lead others and encourage others as well. Yeah, yeah wow, I guess the one piece I'd say too, is like. Sometimes I think it can get to a point where, like it's one thing to say, I'm going to make a choice a- and I think we want to try to keep working at that. But there are situations is in life that get beyond the norm. If you will and a D, I think when you get it when you get into things like depression, mental illness, I just want to be really careful, because I don't think what we're saying here is like. Sometimes you just can't push through those things on your eits, not just like you're, not able to make that mental shotyeah. That's not something o can do so. In those cases I had a period in my life where I did experience some depression and I had to go for counseling and and it reall I needed to take a break from some things to get healthy again and that really helped me, but I wasn't able to just make that choice if you will just on on my own Forsur yeah. Having said that, there's been lots of instances in in my lifetime, both personally and as a leader where it was a very intentional decision, just not to go, do too deep into it, but we lost our first child Lucas. He was two years old in July. Two thousand, and I mean that was a people go through these experience in life. It maybe maybe it's different for others. It could be a marital breakup. It could be a relationship they can't get reconciled between a parent and a child. It could be all kinds at financial ruan, like all these things are real for people. That was. That was one that we had to had to face and- and I have to say there were definitely moments along the way. wherewhere I felt like I had to choose life. Oud Choose to live like even even even even an example like I remember we were my goodness. It was like within the first couple months after this ID happened, so we just lost our two year old son and our daughter Lia, who is only five weeks old at the time she's the couple months old- and I remember I'm sitting on the couch, just not having a good day, not having a good night kind of just overwhelmed paralyzed. If you were sitting there in the coach and remember she's sitting on the ground in front of me and as I'm sitting on the couch like like not able to feeling like I'm able to do anything like even go down and play with her all of a sudden, it hits me that man, like you, need to choose life. You need to choose to get down on that floor and play with your daughter, and it was almost like a slap in the face, but it one that I really needd in that moment e and there was a choice that I made and it was. It was a good choice to get down and play with her and, to be honest, I started feeling better in that moment after I did that, rather than just it on the couch kind of Feelin my pain, and so I think sometimes they call the the theory of practic and what that means is sometimes our feelings catch up to our practice. So if we can choose to do something, sometimes we not feel like it when we start into it. But after we do it, wellthe feelings will catch up o to that practice. Yeah, you don't feel like you, don't feel like working out a lot of people. Don't you know I mean, but en why you do the work out wow like did that ever feel good yeah for sure, thanks Yo much for sharing that Jamie, that's a Thas thing and I'm going to be touched a little bit of that because I know you know mental ilness and things like that. It's a big thing and, like I said like sometimes it's not it's like chemical ambalance like that's, not anything you can control. So sometimes it's not just about that that choice and- and it's important, like you said to have that support of others right yeah yeah, and it might so it might be the choice of getting help. I'm Gongna I'm going to for sure I'm going to go to the doctor, I'm going to go for counseling, I'm going to take the theright right medication and I'm going to choose to to live healthier as best I can to get gofor a walk or not drink or whatever. It might be. That isn't Hart of that particulaar managing eat yeah exactly I am recently this is. This is actually touching on something that I've been feeling on the sense of like the depression and anxiety and things like that. But feeling, like you said, like it's a choice, you have to support yourself to work on these things right and especially with anything personal growth, which is what all this stuff is about, that I'm trying to get across to people. But sometimes it's like you can't. You can't only push yourself so far and you need somebody else to fall back on and that's a big thing to realize, because, especially when you're somebody like that, like a leader like you, know, everybody's turning to you and I'm sure you get this like everybody's turnd to you, they want support and you want to help them, I'm sure of it. But but there's days you know you can't do it, but you got to have those other people and that's you know it's really important, yeah yeah and there's something called grace that I think is really important too, and especially for driven people who are trying to to make this choice and encourage others to as well. Sometimes you know we need to give ourselves a break as well and know that that's part of staying, healthy and and live in life and that's okay to that to give to give ourselves an other some grace as well bu my wife, I like she's pausing as well for sure, but we're quite quite different, and and- and so I remember when one night I was just all all on like I want to be more intentional and than I want o wors be more intouchn with our life, and you know- and you know we had a couple glass of Wy and it was all good and she says you know I wish you were lest intentional btbut. It was actually really like I've, never forgotten that I was like you know what sometimes I need to be less intentand just go with the flow a little more just little more again, grace and just kind of easier on myself and ous said everybody else, and it just kind of balance, those a little. That's the thing it's all about, it's all about balance, yeah, which is somthing. I want to talk about sometime. I want to want to do a conversation about that, but that's something I've sort of realized in my life like balance, because me personally, I'm like that just like go go, go all the time and- and I love it, but then you know when you do that you only reach yea high for so long and then you have that dropoff and and the goal is, you know, re that reach that equilibrium, where you don't have to do that, and that requires, like you said, a balance. So I guess that's a big thing you know here being positive is is awesome and if you're going to do that, you want to do that. It's amazing, but it's okay to not be possitile all the time or yes, se, that right, that's a big thing, yeah! Absolutely because I would say that you know every every strength has a dark side has a weakness. You know, and I think one of these I've learned as someone who's, as you say, generally very positive, is I don't always see I can have a blind eye sometimes to reality and right and- and I would I would want to be very careful because I think still it's important to to work through that reality not not to let it necessarily stop you, but you want to be. You want to be realistic and understand and be aware of of white that that is- and I think sometimes I've missed things yeah, because I've just been so positive and so quick to hey. Let's go everything's fine, so that that would just be warning to myself. I M sure how you find you keep kind of grounded in that sense. Instead of you know just shrowing over things D and having that mind, is it the people around? You is that the hundred percent yeah and listening like I I'm really working these days, I'm doing a better job of listening to people, and I find, if I do listen, I'l hear more of that and then can decide. Okay, what really needs to be? No! No, let's! Let's that's that! Don't worry about that one or what really needs to be worked on, but just that listening to people af for dayly people, that's where, if people maybe are more less positive or more aware of the negative, you know there are people like that for sure, like you know, sometimes you're sitting around a meeting and they're the ones that always see the problem. However, you can use that to your advantage. If you will and say l, let's hear that, let's understand that Ihand, then you can bring your positive to that and work through that together. Right, lmost, like we said, is the balance why you need asid yeah for Suri. For me, the listening and slowing down enough to at least be aware of what those issues are n, what those roadblocks might be, what those feedbumps might be rightas opposed to. Just you know: Hey everything's, fine and yeah, because I can I can do that too. I love, I saw a quote recently from John Maxway's, a leadership GE, and he said he said some some people at was it was about. Let's SA, let's see see, I can remember this basically was saying something like negative people only see that is windy, positive people say the wind's going to change and then leaders adjust the sales squite right, but that idea of you know it's. It's yeah a leaderis going to be know what needs to happen, be aware of that and then adjust te base on the situation, for no, I cn be fun. Yeah Yeah Iquite Le Thatright, but you get the idea. No, that's awesome. We've done a lot of discussion kind of about leadership stuff because I know it's a role. You know that you have in your life and your job, but what's some advice you give to somebody that maybe isn't in that position. You know maybe they're not in a leadersship position or they don't see themselves as being less of a leader and more of a W someimes oare people that that's not their role in life. That's what they don't want to do right, ther! We need, we need everybody and for these kind of things, what's I guess some something you would you'd share with people that aren't in that position, just anything honestly that that you think would be beneficial for them. T here: Yeah Yeah, Oh man, I do not underestimate the value that you bring yeah do not as Undertak the value that you bring. As you said, everybody's role is important on a team and and so what you bring wityour imporant, even even supporting the leader and bringing encouragement to that person, because everybody needs encouragement. So we've talked about leaders. oftenise people are bring a encourageen to others. Well, someone needs to bring that to he to the leader yeah. So that might be your rule. If you're, not the leader on a team yeah, so just really that every every rule matters a just to see how you could still bring value to that know that you do yeah those little things that you do, the details, the support of the leader, the encouragement yeah, that's who that's? WHO leaders are going to? Listen to? You don't have to be the upfront person or the person at the front of the line. If you will have great value yeah. That's that's funny, itit lines with recently we had a one of that Monday. Motivation, Monde videos and it was it- was that no you're worth because, no matter what you're doing right, everybody's every go value do tyour life and what they bring. And that's a big thing. I, like I like Tho. You said that because, like I said there are people- and I know people that you know theyre- they don't want to be the leader type and that's just not what they are and that's completely fine. But we need those people too, absolutely right and then, as a leader as a leader, to be aware of how much value those people do bring to to your team, to what you're doing and really really really really do your best to appreciate them regularly. Yeah I mean like, and the leader role wouldn't exist without those people, so you gotta, you know, acknowledge that for both sides again, we seem to kee be coming back to the balance like it. It's so it's so important, yeah, absolutely what's one of the biggest realizations are things that have come up in your life throughout what Youvwhatv Yu gone through and in your job. That is really just almost change your perspective on on life. I'm sure there's some MAG not be a dramatic, but just like. What's something that sticks out, that was like wow, just because I've got you on here and I'd like to I'd like to share that. I think, if there's something specifically that comes to mind yeah yeah, I think I think the life change that I get to see. I mean you know. I think that would be part of the Wie of what I do. What I do when, when you see a life, get changed, whether someone who's in despair, fine hope or someone who's depressed, almost like come back to life and find healing yeah. That would be. I got that just doesn't get old for me and- and you know, like I said early- don't get me wrong. I've got challenges in my life. In my leadership I have days that can be a struggle, but but but that reminds me why I do ay of that reminds us why we do what we do and again that's that that gratitude thing it kind of keeps you going through some of the tough stuff just that that bring it seem seeing lives, get changed and impacted on on a daily basis on a weekly basis, and I think I think whatever our rule is we can. We can do that. It may not be a leader of a big organization. It may be simply just just showing love to somebody who you have an interaction with in a day and, as we know on the on the on the receiving side of that that can make a that can make a big difference when you smile at somebody, if you notice what happens, they almost always smile back. I guess it can be almost as simple as that, and so I just think seeing life change for people is definitely part of what makes me tick and why I do what I do. Why I give everything I have to it. That's awesome. Thank so much, I'm glad we could have this conversation before we before we head out. Can you've got your live services right on for anybody in the world? I guess at this point yeah we are gonna. You want to just share where, where people can find you in the church and and what you're up to sure I love to love to yeah, I mean with this online world we were already online, but since Covid we've really become an online church and so yeah wherever people are, they can find us. So our website is NBUC DOTCA that stands for North Bramily, United Church NBUC, Gotca and Yeahour services are at nine and eleven, but but they're on facebook as whil our NBUC church, facebook page you can you can stream off of our website or you can come to the MB Sachurch facebook page and watch it there, and it's on the page like like all day, all throughot the week, and so we got some great stuff going on these days. We're doing a series called unsung hero so tomorrow or sorry. The series that we're in right now is honoring unsung heroes and just again kind of like what we're talking about earlier people in scripture, but also people in real life, who we often don't realize the difference that they make in the way that God works through, want to celebrate that so I'I here us I'nsuing heroes who serve like first responders and I'm just heroes who use their hands like under trades and arts and creativity. So it's really been a great series and they would love to love to have you and check it out. We got some young guys doing some great music and that's the part of our servicees these days, wil grateful for that yeah for sure, like if, if you're listening to this, anybody go check it out, because it's awesome like the quality, I don't know if you'll get a better quality church service than that, it's good. It's well done it's awesome and and to get to listen to Jamie talk, so you know. That's that's! So that's a win win right! There, thanks body asa so much well, thanks, thank so much Jammie and- and we will at you're interested in more content like this go check out our website at don't settle official DOTCA ere dedicated to providing resources, information and content design to assist you on your journey of personal growth and, most of all, to help you live life to the fullest thanks. So much for tuning anwill chat with you next time

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S1 E3: Seeing COVID-19 as an Opportunity With Host Harrison King

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5 | The Benefits of Waking Up Early


3 | Seeing COVID-19 As An Opportunity