3 | Seeing COVID-19 As An Opportunity


Season 1: Let’s Talk About Life with Harrison King

The Pandemic is Full of New Opportunities

With Host Harrison King

powered by Sounder
LTAL Artwork Feb. 2021.png

COVID-19 has ruined our lives…or has it?

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a drastic change in the way the world operates. People are stuck at home, forced to isolate, and working from their homes more than ever before. Although the effects of the virus are horrible, there are good things, new things, we are experimenting with and it may be better for us than we think. This time is full of so many opportunities and on Episode 3 of the Let’s Talk About Life podcast, Harrison King discusses some of the things that are good, amidst all the chaos.

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • Working from home

    • Pros and cons

    • The average person spends about 13 years of their life at work

    • Spending time away from family

    • Working at home boosts employee retention

    • Reducing unscheduled absences

    • Reducing expenses for companies

    • People are happier

    • Reducing energy consumption

  • Increasing quality family time

    • Social support can help reduce stress

  • Benefits of healthy relationships

    • Lengthening life expectancy

  • Society is distracted and overstimulated

    • Overstimulation is a disease

    • Excess dopamine desensitizes our brain

    • Increase in ADHD

  • Forced isolation and sitting with our thoughts

    • Anechoic chambers

    • Existential crisis

    • Fear of being alone

    • We experience everything in our life alone

  • Meditation

    • Types: concentration, observation, awareness

    • Health benefits

    • Reversing the effects of overstimulation

    • Allows us to address what’s important

  • Adapting to new ways of life


Its really important, sometimes to lose something to start to be aware of how much it means to you and it's significance and that's happened. We've lost a lot of things you're now, listening to the let's talk about life, podcast brought to you by don't settle with your host Harson King. What's up everybody, my name is Harrison King and we're back for another episode. Ofthe. Let's talk about life podcast! If you knew here which you might be and if you are welcome, we are having conversations on here that are a little more and the average discussion. The average chat. That's the whole point about this. It's talking about things and diving a little deeper into the stuff. That's s the bigger things in life right and that's the point and that's what we're doing today and before we start. I just want to quickly have a little disclaimer and say that we're talking about Someg, I'm going to share some information that might be a little controversial to some people, maybe or you think that I'm you know trying to tell you tell you what to do. That's not the point, because I think it's actually important talk about things that are controversial, because it means that you know people have different opinions on things and, and the point of this podcast is to try to broaden your perspective, to think about things. Maybe you know shed some light on the other side of a situation that you maybe haven't thought about, and that's whe 're going to try to do today. So I want you to be open minded, I'm not trying to say what's right, what's wrong, just relaying some facts. So on that none we're going to talk about Covid, ninety that corona virus right. It's really one of the only things we talk about. Nowadays, at least that's what I found. I was just out an appointment earlier today and, and the person was talking with the receptionists about what about what the coronairus that's right and it's just that's that's how we talk about that's a big thing, IAT's happening in our life right now, and that's funny enough. What we're going to talk about today, but now, like I said not now, we normally would talk about most of the time is a lot of complaining and E had a negativity abouth this, because it's a bad thing right well, first of all, we know why we're doing that because of the last episode ire, we talked about complaining, but why are we focusing on the negatives of this? Because it's not a great thing right. People Are Dying, people are losing their jobs, businesses, big companies, are going bankrupt out of they're just they're out of our money. It's a crazy time. Two Thousand and twenty has really been quite the rollercoaster, as we all know so, yeah. It makes sense that we're trying to you know not talk about the what's positive about this right. What's positive about covid nineteen! Well, I think, and I've shed it with a lot of other people, that you know it actually can be seen as a good thing. Now, I'm not talking about the virus itself. The virus itself is horrible. We don't want that. You know we it's at's horrible, it's the things that's causing for people. You know I'm not at all trying to undermine what's happening in our world and with people in different situations. But what I want to talk about is maybe how you can take something that seems bad or that is bad and see. It is an opportunity and again not trying to diminish what's happening, but trying to like you know, give you a little bit of a different perspective. GO HMM! Maybe maybe this is a good thing for to just kind of change things up. Things have been. You know very much the same in our society for a long time for quite a while, I guess and and maybe ou in your life, and this could be a chance to kind of change it up and it definitely has changed up our lives right, but its creating a new normal and that's kind of what I want to talk about. So just to start off. I mean what is the biggest kind of impact that people that that's. This is how in people's lives well we're working from home people are working from home and yeah. There were people that work from home before, but most people like wel. Basically, everybody is right now, unless you know Theye, Startin, O open things up and you getting back to work. But even then a lot of a lot of companies are keeping people at home, and the interesting thing here is that, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, this is pre corona right these this this statistic, but twenty four percent of people were doing their work from home. THAT'S NOT VOR! Many! That's like less than a third of people were at working at home in eighty two percent were doing their work at the workplace. Yes, that doesn't adder to a hundred, I'm not the I'm, not the statistics! Guy, I'm just telling you what the Oura US bureaus telling me right. Anyway, most people are working at a workplace well because of that you're not at home very often and you're missing out on other things that you could be doing at home. So interesting thing here: The HUFFINGTON post posted a thing a while ago, and- and this is really interesting- so I want to share this with you, so the average person they say you know spends just under eighty years on this planet. We're going to go with that for this right. So, just under eighty years, twenty six years of that Ovr your lifetime, twenty six years of that will be spent sleeping, that's crazy, but it makes sense because I mean we spend how many hours of our day, you know six eight hours of our day in bed, tryig to Tryng, to sleep or sleeping so twenty six years of that seven years, trying to fall asleep, which is quite funny so we're looking at what thirty three right and on top of that four years and six months of your life, you're eating. But I mean these things are important. We need to eat WEU to sleep right, so we can't really get rid of that. So we're looking at you know. Thirty, seven, almost oty is almost half our lives, ore, eating and sleeping, but we need that to survive. So we can't really complain about that right and then just another interesting fact about one year, four months exercising but here's the thing: here's the kicker right as well I as trying to get to about thirteen years of your life. If you live into, you know same being a bodyby. Well, even if you're, not but thirteen years of your life for the average person is spent at work, thirteen years of your life is spent at work. That's pretty substantial thing! Now: That's not not GOIN THA's, a bad thing, I'm not saying that's a good thing, I'm just I'm just saying, but that's a lot of time. Thirteen years of your life speent at work and I'm just tring to put this interperspective to kind of see. You know how much town does you know the average person speen away from home and their family at work. Thirteen years of your life he spent and the thing wiut. That is twenty seven percent of your remaining life, so we're talking about earlier here you spent time sleeping and eating, obviously all those things that are a necessity. So if you take that out of the picture, because you know you can't you're sleeping onconscious, you can't really do anything so we'll say with the time the years left you spend twenty seven percent of your remaining years left at work. At's like a third of your life like that you're actually living a third of your life. You're out of work, the average person again what, while we're on this topic and another interesting fact, this is not really relevant, but around eleven years you spend on on a screen n screentime eleven years, ridiculous, it's crazy! We love our phones right that'll, be another episode, O some point. We're going to talk about that, but anyway thirteen years that's what'r will come back to thirten years of you life. I can't get over that. It's crazy! Well, here's the thing! So now you spendin thirteen years of your life. Well, that's going to be different now, because people are working from home and why you saying why Hareson? Why is Croni good thing right? Well, you spend all this time at work. Maybe you' rather be at home. Will here's some interesting facts about working at home right? So, according to the global workplace, analytics two thirds of people? This is again pre corona two thirds of people want to work from home right. A lot of people want to be working at home, and the thing about it is that ninety five percent of employers say that Telework, like working at home, has a high impact on employeer attention, so people are staying, actually focus more and doing more things, an the be more productive w when they're at home right. I know, there's more just wait, here's something that is really interesting. Seventy eight percent of employees who call in sick really aren't so most people that are saying they're, sick, they're, not sick. You know they want out theyre at the golf fourse, but you know what t they do so because of you know, family issues, personal leads stress, maybe you're going golf an who knows, but seventy y percent of employees we call and sick aren't and the thing wouth that is those are, you know, unscheduled absences, but those unscheduled absencees cost employers a total of three hundred billion dollars a year tats for US companies, they're losing three hundred billion dollars, the're EFTDEING, just from people calling and sick, but they're, not actually sick and and here's the thing right. How do you reduce that people calling in sick for no reason well, American Management Association found that organizations that implemented a telework program working at home realized sixty three percent reduction in unscheduled absences, so people working at home aren't calling and sick as much because you know they don't need to be the they're trying to get off works. They can be at home doing things whatever they can do that whele they're at home. So to so far, I'm hering a couple benefits of being at home. We're talking about employe retention, going up onscheduled absenceis going down, which is you know better for everybody. Companies are saving money, three hundred billion dollars, it cost them a year in that. So, if you have people working at home, those numbers are going down and here's the big thing we' talk about employeer attention, but telle workers are thirty five to forty percent, more productive. Then then their counterparts at at the workplace, so people working remotely from home are significantly more productive and here's the interesting thing again we're talking about money right for the businesses. Well, businesses lose six hundred billion dollars a year. We're talking again in the US in workplace distractions, six hundred billion dollars a year, they're losing so they'r, using that from distractions, six hundred billion dollars o using three hundred billion dollars they're losing from you know, people calling in sick but they'reout the golf course. So that's a lot of money. You know we're talking Ahaut, nine ha well that total that's nine hundred billion dollars, we're talking in the US companies a year, they're losing and they can start to lower those numbers by Sentin people. Oh Sang, you know, work from your bedroom, I don't know, but it's going to save them money and the other thing is people are happier when they're at they're workgoing at home. It says people are, people are significantly happier and you know people, l, Bein, more productive, ther, they're saving their companies money. It's just a really interesting thing. So, working at home, you might be. You know feeling like it's a bad thing, but it can be seen as a good thing. Overall. I think you can definitely try to take that route. Really interesting and another important thing. It reduces energy consumption because office equipment, energy consumption is about twice that requires like two times more energy to you know, send people to a big office building. Then people trying to operate stuff in their own home, so we're saving the planet, we're saving the company's money. People are happier they got more free time. Oh my gosh. This is what I'm saying. It's just interesting now, obviously, there's other factors right, but the thing is that it's just it's something to think about, and I have heardl. You know a couple couple F, friends and family and their companies have said you know we might be actually not going back to work. I work in a big corporate, you know building and I'm that might be working from home for a long time, because companies have realized that we people are being more productive. You know we're saving money. This is a good thing, so that's that's something that could come out of this. You know whole situation and here is something interesting. So this is what people are back at work. Everything was quote: UNQUORTEN normal. The New York Post said that American families get just under thirty seven minutes of quality family time together per day, Thi's a little sad, thirty, seven under thirty seven minutes of quality family time together per day- and I mean the thing- is on weekends. When people are' at work- and you know they're not going other things- that quality time jumps up to two hours and forty minutes because you're, you know awake from work, ing your distractions or whatever you're doing during the week. So why is this important? Well being at home? Increases Your family time right because well, two things you're not doing potentially as much work, because because you're being more productive at home, so you have a little more free time. Potentially you know depends on what's happening, but also you're. Just you know, you're at a home and you're going to have more family time, because people are around it's Youre, your being more productive and you're, technically less distracted as they said, but you know somebody's coming in they're, giving you a how much or whatever you have an chat having a that with a family member, whatever you're spending time still with your family and it's more than when you're just away at work and whyise. This important whill social support provides a resource for coping that dulls. The detrimental impact of stressers in your life, on your well being so basically just is a social support, is, is a resource for just coping with the bad impact the stress has in our lives and so that you K. obviously, we want to deal with stress and want to feel better and ND. We re do that is just having social support, which is, which is quality, can be quality n family time, and this doesn't just have to be family. But that's what we're talking about right now and well. There's actually a lot of health benefits of spending quality time we're talking healthy relationships with family, so we're going to base it off that right now and- and you can see that you know- I know tat- There's a lot of different situations out there and people might not have those healthy relationships, and they might be not in that situation, but this could also again be an opportunity to try to try to better those relationships strange and strengthen them and make them healthier right and then you're starting to get closer to this, but health benefits of spending quality time in healthy relationships with family. It improves you, mental health. It boosts your self confidence, it teaches effective conflict resolution right. You gotto figure things out. You know I want to paint the wall white, you know and the other person wants to pain it red. Well, you got to figure that out so teachers effective conflict resolution, it reduces stress it enhances your physical health and here's, the big one it length lengthens your life expectancy right, health benefits of spendid spending, quality time with family, healthy family relationships. Rih it can lengthen your life expectancy. How crazy is that healthy relationships can potentially now. This is not again all the time lots of thes stuff, but it can increase your lifeman up to fifty percent you're living so much longer having those healthy relationships. So here's the thing right if you're staying home from work well, you're working from home spending more for time with your family most likely and if you're, trying to cultivate healthy relationships in your family, ORT people around you, you're, actually increasing your health and potentially your life expectancy, just ridiculous stuff, crazy things that I never thought were possible so make sure make sure they make it that ar priority in a life, because it's important to makes you feel better, like you said, and also Goinna, maybe make you live longer, and I think that's something we all want so and here's here's something else right. So Society, as we know, is very distracted. Anyman, I think about it. But you know with our screens and everything is going on, is advertising all over and- and I mean you go on, say you're even on facebook or instagram right. There's an ad every how many three or four things hese going through and we are so distracted and I'm not blaming anybody. This is just how our society has come to be and there's no ignoring that, whether you, maybe you think that we're not. But we are, you know we're distracted and the other thing is we're overstimulated, there's so much going on and that's why we are distracted right and, if you're wondering what that is. overstimulation is a physiological and psychological overload right. It's just too much for the senses. It's an act of overburdening of the senses and it affects both physical and the mental bodies. INTANEM, so your mind, your actual physical body, it affects those things being overstimulated by whatever senses, and so it can be. You know purely sensory, so you know I mean I guess you can be overstimulated by like touching something that's uncomfortable or whatever, but it also has a psychological component right. So when you're overburden with work or youhave spent too many hours in front of a screen, that kind of thing and oersinmulation isn't just a problem. In our modern day, society is actually more than that. It's a disease which, which sounds harsh to say, but it is because the constant overburdening of the senses like this, it isn't healthy for us and unfortunately, it's not something we can fully. You know avoid all the time, because we're in this society is what W, what we're doing it's around us and here's kind of how it works, so overstimulation creates xss dopomine in the brain. We've talked about AFOR dope main is the neuro transmitter tide to the reward and pleasure centers of the brain. So when we've got exesdopemine in our circuit treat, we feel good right. When you got a lot, you had a lot of dope means. So when you' overstimulated Yo had a lot of open, mean you're feeling good, but the problem with this is that, if you have so much, you know, axcess tofe men as time goes on, our dophomine receptors become less responsive to the natural kind of Eb and flow of our hormones. So what that means is that we basically require more powerful stimuli to release the dope mean we've come to crave. So you kind of it creates this bad cycle of while you're getting this this Dopemi, but the more you have of it. You know the less sensitive you are to you know whatever going through instagram. Let's say you get in the like you, se, you get a like. You know that creates that don't mean your brain, but the more that happens, then you need more. You know to make get that same feeling, you're going to need more, which obviously is a problem. So here's here's something that's kind of you know come out of it. Adhd is on the rise. If you didn't know already- and if you don't know what Adhd is, it stands for attention deficit, hyperactivity, disorder. It is a medical condition and N. basically, a person with ADHD has differences in brain development and brain activity that affect attention ability to sit still and self control right. So this is a medical condition, but here's the interesting thing in th s, one and twenty children were diagnosed with Adhd, and today the number has wridden risen to one and nine right. That's that's. I mean that's almost double and there is a thing here, of course that there's the decrease taboo kind of a surrounding. You Know Behavioral Disorders and and mental health and stuff like that. So you know they're adagnosing it more because they're aware of it, but we also have this sensory overload and there's all these things happening around her that around us that you know it's saying, and you know attention to have a hyperactivity. That's what's going on around us. You know just everything is just overstimulated a hyperactive, it's phenomenal! What's going on around us and it's causing these problems that we can't, even you know, feel feel good from those those dope main hits that are happening. I brikg like I said we need more and it's creating this constant kind of well, it's just feeding into the cycle, and it's not it's not a great thing. So how does this all relate to the topic of the day? Well, we know these things and and what's going on in society and like I said they were overstimulated, but I think and a lot of people found that a forced isolation, kind of like we've, been put into it's it's necessary to allow people to kind of slow down. First of all, separate yourselves from the busy world we live in and all the things you're doing and and allow people to sit with their thoughts because that's not as common as as maybe think it is, or as it should be, so here's something that is really interesting. We are as humans and, I guess just kind of a society, but as humans a scared of being alone, and there is kind of proof to that, because here it is so that there's there's. Actually this fear of this thing called the anacoic chamber it's at well, this one's at Orfiel labs, there's a couple of them, but basically what an annacolwic te Anico Chamber is- and that's like and echo right like. So No, NO ECHO! That's what they're trying to say it's designed to be completely silent, so silent. In fact, the backgrond noise measured in the room is actually negative, so the background noise is actually less than like. Well, zero. It's negative, nine point, four disciples. So here's the thing when it's that quiet, if you're in there right your ears, will adapt because that's what happens and Youl actually start to hear your heart beating and the blood following through your body someomes. You can actually hear your lungs and basically, in this chamber you become the sound because there's nothing else in there. So you're forced to listen to yourself and, of course, your thoughts but physically you're hearing you know your body and how it works and the longest anyone has ever stayed in there is about well, it was forty five minutes and some places because there was different. This specific one was forty five minute, but it's about forty five to sixty minutes is all somebody can stay in there for if you're really pushing yourself most people, it's actually like tortuous, like it's not meant to be used for that, but it's just it's so uncomfortable for the average person, because it's so silent and we're not in that environment. Like ever because we're in this overstimulated, you know environment all the time, so something that is interesting to think about is that we live in this world and I'm talking kind of you know, Canada, us. I guess these are more first world kind of based things, but we currently live. You know in this society, specifically, we live in a place where individual freedom is more accessible than ever. We keep continue to fight for freedom of things, and, and so people can do and say and and be free with doing whatever they want, but as a result of this, which I've never thought of before existential crisis, it's at an all time high right, young people are getting them earlier. Old People are getting them more often and when we're alone, you know, there's always some sort of anxiety just a little bit, because all you left with are your thoughts, and basically these daunting existential questions because wall these these questions are posed from the freedom that we've worked so hard to get and that were surrounded by now we can do whatever we want. We can be whatever we want. You know we can. We can think whatever we want, but now there's no way telling you anything. So you have to decide. You have to think- and you have these excestential questions so when you're alone, there's that anxiety of thinking like what? What do you? What's? What do I do right and- and the thing is well, the easiest wayd to deal with that is is just to not sit along with those questions. Are those thoughts or whateveris in our mind, and it's easy to avoid them. So you know you're on the, even if You'e, just on the subway or whatever you going home and you sit down and there's nobody in the car and you're sitting ere by yourself, most likely you're going to pull out some your buds or something and listen to music, because on average people we don't know how to just sit along with our thoughts, because there's so many oneranswerin questions that we are not willing to try to think about. So we basicallychoose over stimulation because we don't want to deal with what is on the other side of kind of silence and being alone, and when we choose that a burnout becomes inevitable right, because any moving object, no matter how fast it goes eventually comes to rest. We know that from physics, assuming you know, there's a friction and whatever, but that's what's happening in our lives and and eventually you can't avoid it at some point, which is that eccessential crisis you know at some point's going to come and you're going to have to deal with it, and this is kind of a little bit of a depressing fact. But it's really good to think about whether you like it or not. We are alone each individually. We are alone we're born alone. You know we die alone, all of your life's most important events, you experience alone and now you're going well, no I'm with people. You know like, for example, they're saying you know. First, maybe first goal just going playing hockey. First Kiss all those kinds of things, even those things that you're experiencing in the you know, presence of another person. therethey're causing that experience to happen, you ultimately live through that inside your head alone, like you're, the one experiencing that that that situation were alone, and that me saying that probably maybe makes you uncomfortable or feels like Whoa, that's kind of harsh. But it's true and that's not a bad thing. That's what I'm trying to get to here. That's not a bad thing, and- and I mean here's just another fact right we're talking about working from home, but one of the downsides is that often time pop often times, people working from home want to go back to working at the office because they're feeling lonely- and there could be other reasons- yes, but they feeling lonely. And what does that come from? Well? Were we don't, as a society, know how to be alone because we're and it's nobody's fault, but we're in this overstimulated? You know of sensory overload, type of environment all the time and here's tseme interesting things. But those are, you know, we're talking about people most people, and you might agree reflecting yourself that you're scared of being alone right, but according to psychology, today, people who do like spending time alone and people who are unafraid of being single and they're fine, not being a relationship rirthe being alone or single theyre, more likely than others to be open minded, which is which is interesting when you're, because they're spending that time alone, people who are 't, afraid of being single are more agreeable than people who are afraid of being single and people who are unafraid of being alone are theyre not overly sensitive to rejection, and they don't get their feelings, hurt too easily because they've well, I would say: they're learning to deal with that and getting to know themselves better and think about things and and when thos people are in romantic relationships, their own selfesteem does not depend on how the relationships are going. If you're having a Boud relationship, it's not actually affecting you because you've taken the time to kind of of deal with those things being alone, and you don't depend on other people. For your for your happiness, O or you, you know how you're feeling and here's a big one that I thought was was pretty crazy. Those kind of people that, like being alone and are fine with being alone, also right, we're saying they're less likely to be lonely or to be depressed people that seek out time to be alone, they're, not lonely. They are. They are alone right, just them, but they don't feel lonely and they're less likely to be depressed right again. This is none of this is like a call out to anybody this, just I'm just stating some facts that are really quite interesting to ponder, and this is all to you know it's not very common in our in our society of taking time to be alone like that, because I said that's just how it's been built. So how do we practice being alone and avoid this overstimulation? Well, you may have guessed. The answer is meditation, and this is t a practice. That's been around for hundreds of thousands of years right, it's just it's it's the answer to a lot of things and again I quickly want to just touch on how this all relates to our topic. Here. I think this coronavirus and and pandemic situation, although the effects of it are bad, is really forced us to be alone and it's yeah. It's coming and bi, like you know what I'm sorryirht, you can't go back to everyday life and you're gotta. You got to take some time and figure out how to be self sufficient right, and that y originally was very scary for a lot of people and- and you know even me to it- I was uncomfortable and it was challenging to be a raway away from people and you weren't allowed to see people, but it can be seen as a good thing because we're starting to figure out how to be alone and that's something that our society really needs. I think and that's why this is a good thing, so, we've you know been forced into kind of isol isolation. You have to quarantine all those things wher youre by yourself. How can you actually practice being alone and avoiding this overstimulation that were I'm talking about? Well, like I said it's Meditation Ind Psychology Editation is defined as here. It is a family of mental training practices that are designed to familiarize the practitioner with specific types of mental processes. So you're trying to trying to be aware of way things are working in your mind. Now, that's the psychological stadpoint, it's also a spiritual thing, but we're not going. No, I'm not going to specifically touch on that today. I will discuss meditation another day, but we're talking psychologically. What is it so there's it can be practiced. Meditation can be practiced in one or three ways: different kind of modes right, so there's concentration, so you're focusing on like a single object. It could be internal or external, so they call like focused attention meditation. So maybe it's just your breath. You just focusing on your breath. That's you're knot, concentrating on one thing. The the second mode is observation. Paying attention to kind of whatever is predominant in your experience in the present moment, without allowing the attention to get stuck on any particular thing. Yos kind of there you'r you Kdon't, got to Itch or something you're not trying to change it, you're not focusing on it. You just kind of going Al Right. You know you're, observing the situation and, what's going on, maybe the thoughts in your brain, you're, ot being just observing right and then last one is awareness, so allowing awareness to remain present undistracted and not engaged with either focusing or observing you just you just you'R, not observing things as though you're just seeing what's Happeni you're just you' just aware of what's going on. Those are the three things: the three kind of practices right thet. You can different types, I guess of meditation and well it's something. I strongly suggest that you dive deeper into, but here's how it works. Repeated Meditation produces the nauro transmitter. Sarah Tonen we're always talking about these hormons, hey, it's crazy things happen in a brain, so meditation is producing Saratoniam and what is Saraton well regulates our mood, and here we go it alleviates anxiety and battles, depression. Well, those are things that are caused from all this overstimulation right. Well, meditation is going Ta put out this Newr Transmitter Saratonun, and it's going to help us to relieve that anxiety and and what's the best part about increased levels of Saratonian. Well, the mood boosting chemical, actually repairs and resets the DOPOMENI receptors those sites in the brain. So it's basically like resaid button for your overworked senseis. So what we talked about early, if you don't remember, but when dopamine is there's too much of it right, it kind of damages those preceptors. So we have to you know if we're on instagram or whatever we talking about social media, you know you need to get. You need more of it to get the same response so well. Sara Tonan, which is released through meditation, can start to repair those receptors in Yo Rin. So, basically, you know all of these negative impacts that the over stimulation has on on our actual actually on our brain can start to be fixed by meditating, right, crazy and and heare. Something solitude is not a state to be feared, but it's one to enter prepared and to practice. Don't be scared of it. Try to work on it. Try to practice it engaging with discomfort, because if you are scared of it right, it's uncomfortable but engaging with that discomfort allows us to focus our attention and accept what we can't change and address. What's important. so meditation is really important, especially well at all times, but right now we're Bein, giving we are being given a chance through this whole corona situation, to take a step back, lifes kind of slowed down a little bit and and things have been removed from our lives, and we can go, take a breath and go. You know what, and maybe, if you listen Ti, think about it. Maybe you are worried about being alone and you actually find challenging. Maybe make that a focus in your life to try to improve and work on and wher. You could do that is tro meditation, which we will dive into more another day but feel free to check out. You know you check out the website. There are some guided meditation things I suggest. headspace is a great starter for anybody that hasn't started up. It's a APP but yeah meditation really important. So go to check that out and and give e troy. If you are meditating make it, you know, make sure it is an important part of your life and- and here is the last thing that I've kind of come to that is really important, sometimes to lose something. To start to be aware of how much it means to you N, it's significance and that's happened. We've lost a lot of things. A lot of I mean personal things right like we've lost, maybe it's seeing your family like extend family, more our friends or whatever and you're not able to socialize, but we've lost that, and things are yes starting to go back up but and we're able to do that again, but you start to realize what's significant in your life, because if you have something taken away, you know it'll it'll, be a shocking but it'll actually kind of be a blessing inta sin disguise because when we lose something we have to adapt and and change how we do things and- and you know this is created in this situation- a lot of innovation right and creation. All you know doing all these meetings from home, artists or figuring out how to collaborate from afar. It's created a whole new. Well, here's the problem. We got to o overcome it and keep doing kind of what we normally do, but let's do differently and we got to be innovative, and that is a great thing. Let's come out of all this because you know there is always you know: technological innovation and stuff, but a as a culture. You know it's a society. There hasn't we've been a little bit stagnant for a while things were just how they are it's not like. You know we went through the renaissance or whatever, but maybe this is it. Maybe it's our modern NERAS reinaissance we're starting to having to adapt to you know this is how a life is. Let's innovate and figure out how to hard to deal with it, how to adapt to what we've lost and figure out a way to overcome this right and, of course, as I said before, we realize the importance of things in our lives, so you know not working from home. I might be able to make you happier you've realized. Well, I really, I really don't. I've lost kind of working at the office, but I realized. Oh, I actually gained something from this. You maybe haven't been able to see your friends like I said, and, and you really miss them and you realize Wel, you know what I need to spend more time. I need to make that a priority in my life. It could be anything right, but that's that's definitely an important thing. I think that's come out woth this and you got to start to look at it as though wee lost things. But here's take this time to reevaluate. What's important in your life, what do you need to focus on more? What have you been avoiding? Maybe in our busy lives that we've been you know going? This has been a force kind of shutdown of of normal life, and I really hope personally that we don't go back to what we call normal life, because I hope our normal life is different. Moving past this because society well, we always need to change, change s important to grow, and- and I think, if you start to look at it like that, this can be seen as a growing opportunity for all kinds of all kinds of things like we said so, you know the benefits of this of this virus, and not, I guess it's not the virus itself, the benefits of being stuck and the way being stuck at home and the way it's affected. Our lives, you know, were working from home and, like I said that can be actually a good thing for businesses, moneywise and, and it makes people happier overall and people are working more efficiently than they got more time with heir their family. And you know you can build the second thing, as you can build those healthy relations relationships with your family. If you don't already have them, you can start to build them. You can continue to strengthen them, and that has like we said positive impacts on on your health. How you feel abut also like your physical health, your mental health and also your life expectancy right and, of course, this is a break from that overstimulated society that we've been around for a long time and and it's given us a chance to maybe be alone, and we got to try to face our thoughts a little bit and obviously you know we can turn o edflicks and stuff when we're at home, but at some point you're going to have to kind of turn within and that's important, and that's that can be seen as a good thing, because we need that right and we need to get rid of that kind of fear that we have of being alone and and maybe realize, has a society is important to not be doing something all the time and and then we need to have that time alone and lastly, realizing you know, like I said, what's important in our lives. What do we miss what we really miss from this? Oh, you know I don't care about. You know my commute to work, maybe, but I really miss being able to go across the street and play with my neighbor's dog. I don't know what it is but which you could probably do now. I guess if that was the situation, but you know I'm. I don't really miss this part of my life, how it was before, but I really miss you know my weekly get togethers with my friends and going to getting together with people so just take some time and and and think about these things and maybe start to see this not as a bad thing, but as a way to grow and, as you know, we're all about growing around here. That's that's what this is all about and that's why I'm providing you with some of these information ond talking about it, because it's really important to try to see this as an opportunity and not diminish, what's actually happening in the bad things of it, but see it as an opportunity to try to grow and get better and maybe readjust your life and make your life the best it can best. You can live it to the fullest and, of course that brings me to don't settle, which is our platform community, that's dedicated to personal growth and helping you to live life to the fullest. That's the whole point, and if you have at Checke to the website, go do that it's don't settle official and Otca, and you can check ourself on facebook and instagram and all those things and just provide you with things like this help you to learn, grow, get better physically, mentally, spiritually stay motivated all that kind of stuff really important. If you haven't signed up for the the community on the email community go ahead and do that it should it'll be on the website under community and and that's an important thing, because it's important like I said to be around people, even though we may not be able to physically be around people to have that support and build those healthy relationships. And that's what don't settles all about so yeah. Please go check that out. If you have 't already- and I really appreciate you listening today and and tuning in if you're watching. Thank you and yeah. Just some things to think about about the corona bacts right and again, because of all this I hope everybody's staying, staying, healthy and and doing well and getting in another grocery store safely but yeah. I just thank you so much for listening today and movie back soon next week with another episode and until then just remember to keep love in life and, what's out with Yis, if you're interested in more content like this go check out our website at don't, settle official DOTCA or dedicated to providing resources, information and content design to assist you on your journey of personal growth and, most of all, to help you live life to the fullest thanks, so much for tuning an will chat with you next time.

Previous Episode

S1 E2: Complaining

With Host Harrison King

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powered by Sounder

4 | Focusing on Positivity with Jamie Holtom


2 | Why We Complain and How To Fix It